A Monograph on Cloud Computing

By Teresa Bozelli, Bozelli Enterprises

Education and Government Institutions face intense pressure for cost control and improvement of services

The Situation

Today is a time of crisis, chaos, and challenge. Our governments and educational institutions have not been spared in these tough economic times and are facing severe budget shortfalls today and likely for several years to come. The tax base has eroded and rainy day funds are depleted, thus a significant crisis for public sector organizations to succeed. Add to the situation the increased demand of consumers – citizens and students expect to interact with the government and academia in the same manner as they would with their financial institution or a retail store. This creates the need for a new delivery and communication model using the internet as the primary channel of public sector services.

With renewed emphasis on government accountability, a promise of transparency in government decision processes, more open access to government information, and an emphasis on citizen participation in government processes – today is truly the time when technology will be the accelerator of success. However, if we continue to view government services and the acquisition and usage of technology in the current model, the question of how to efficiently delivery better government and improved educational services with tightly controlled cost seems unanswerable.

The Solution

There is a new deliver and service model for compute capabilities. Actually, a new more powerful reality of an old concept for cloud computing. The new computing cloud takes advantage of recent innovations of virtualization, increased power and reliability of computer components. These innovations, combined with the ability of the next generation network to provide programmable intelligence, remote operations, and automated control makes today’s cloud computing the next accelerant for technology. Very simply stated, cloud computing is the delivery of a service or capability over the network.

More Information

The complete whitepaper addresses the following critical aspects of cloud computing specific to government and education:

  • Definition, characteristics, and value
  • Relationship to the enterprise’s architecture
  • Benefits and barriers
  • Real successful implementations
  • Elements of success
  • Real steps to action

Download the FREE whitepaper now

On-Demand Webinar:

Cloud Computing: The Future of IT

A growing number of today’s colleges and universities are moving to a from legacy data center infrastructure to a cloud computing model. This session will detail the benefits and value of cloud computing and provide a blueprint for making it a reality on your campus.


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