Campus Technology | 21st Century Campus
AV & Interactive Technologies for Higher Education


  • Improving Dissertation Management at Liberty U

    The dissertation effort is long, and often those involved can feel like they've been abandoned to muddle through the process on their own. If not orchestrated well, the bond among student, advisor, and other doctoral committee participants can falter, resulting in abandonment of the initiative by one or another member. In fact, research has shown that about half of doctoral students don't graduate; attrition is even worse in online doctoral programs.

An iPad for Your Thoughts

Is there an IT issue in higher education that isn’t receiving the attention it deserves? Tell us about it and you could win a free iPad 2, courtesy of Adobe. To be eligible, submit your compelling story idea to [email protected] by Dec. 15, using the subject line “iPad Please.” Campus Technology will award the iPad 2 to the entrant with the best concept and then cover the topic in a future issue. So, what’s on your mind?


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