How to Place an Ad

SyllabusWeb contains technology and conference news for higher technology educators. We are pleased to offer employment and classified ads to the education community. Whether you're looking for qualified faculty, administrators, or academic technology professionals, you'll want to include the SyllabusWeb in your recruiting plans; we receive 85,000 page views a month!

  • SyllabusWeb browsers are leaders both academically as well as technologically.
  • SyllabusWeb browsers have an advanced degree having completed a PHD or postdoctoral work and having a Masters degree or higher.

How to Place Classified Ads

Classified ads may be submitted via phone, fax, mail, e-mail or online.

E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 818-734-1529
Phone: 818-435-5410 ext. 4

Syllabus Job Board
9121 Oakdale Avenue, Suite 101
Chatsworth, CA 91311

SyllabusWeb offers one of the most cost effective and "instant" media for recruitment in higher education.

Ad Specifications

"By the word"- Copy will appear in paragraph form with no bold or italics in the text. The first word will be bold, denoting the subject area or discipline arranged in alphabetical order. Times Roman font. Graphic Logo can be included: see pricing information below.


All graphics must be submitted separately. Graphics sent electronically must have been saved on Mac or PC as a .gif or .jpeg at 72 dpi. Hard Copy logos sent in by mail to convert to electronic data (scanned) must be in final desired size or larger and be sharp in clarity and resolution. Faxes and photocopies are acceptable for text submission only and are not suitable as graphic material for reproduction.

Pricing of Advertisements

The number of words used calculates cost.

  • Classified Listings: $2.00 per word (50-word minimum)
  • Option Link to Institute Home Page $100.00
  • Option Graphic Logo- $55.00

Internet Classified

All classified ads will be immediately posted on the Syllabus Web Site. They will appear on SyllabusWeb for six weeks unless otherwise specified. Each ad will also have the option of a link to your institution home page.

Terms and Conditions

  1. All contracts run from the date of first placement by the advertiser, unless specified otherwise in writing.
  2. All contents of advertisements are subject to the web publisher's approval. The web publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time without cause.
  3. Positioning of advertisement is at the discretion of the web publisher except where a request for a specific preferred position is acknowledged by the web publisher in writing.
  4. Cancellation or change orders must be made in writing and received by the web publisher. If cancellation order is not received, the advertiser will be billed for full cost of ad.
  5. All insertion orders are accepted subject to provisions of current rates. Rates are subject to change upon notice from the web publisher.
  6. The web publisher shall not be liable for any costs or damages if for any reason it fails to publish any advertisement. Nor shall the web publisher be liable for any damages, consequential or otherwise, in excess of amount paid for advertisement as a result of any mistake in advertisement or for any other reason.
  7. Payment is due in advance for advertising on the Academic Job Board within 30 days from the day of invoice.
  8. These terms and conditions will apply regardless of terms and conditions to the contrary that may appear on the advertisers purchase order, contract, or insertion order.
  9. The web publisher shall have the right to hold the advertiser and/or its advertising agency jointly and severally liable for such moneys (including all damages, legal fees, and other costs associated with collecting such moneys) as are due and payable to the web publisher for advertising which was ordered by the advertiser, its agency or its agent.
  10. No condition other than those set forth in the rates shall be binding on the web publisher unless specifically agreed to in writing by the publisher.
  11. Ad materials will be stored two months from date of receipt, then destroyed unless the advertiser requests return of materials in writing prior to that date.
  12. The web publisher is not liable for delays in the event of acts of God, action by any government or quasi-government entity, fire, flood, insurrection, riot, explosion, embargo, strikes whether legal or illegal, labor or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, work slow-down, or any condition beyond the control of the web publisher affecting delivery in any manner.
  13. The advertiser warrants there is no copyright infringement in the contents of the submitted advertisement.
  14. Unless otherwise indicated, any copyright in the advertisement claimed by the advertiser is assigned to SyllabusWeb and will be covered by the copyright on the Web.
  15. The advertiser agrees to properly mark all known trademarks and service marks, whether owned by the advertiser or owned by a third party.
