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News Update 04-22-2003

Sponsor: Grants for SMART Board(TM) interactive whiteboards

Join the ranks of innovative colleges and universities using the SMART Board interactive whiteboard to engage students and enhance learning.

—Touch the surface to control any computer application

—Write notes in electronic ink

—Save notes and images to a computer file

SMART Board products can also be used to enhance your distance education courses. Order a free video CD-ROM to see the SMART Board interactive whiteboard in action! Reply before May 2, 2003 to also receive a FREE 12-disc CD case. Grants worth 20% - 70% of the suggested list price for SMART products are available through the SMARTer Kids(TM) Foundation.


U. Texas, Stanford Join to Tap Silicon Valley Expertise, Capital

The Institute for Innovation, Creativity, and Capital (IC2), a tech incubator at the University of Texas-Austin (UT), and Stanford University announced a joint project to fund the research, development, and commercialization of new technologies. The project is being backed by a $6 million gift from IC2 founder George Kozmetsky, executive associate for economic affairs at UT and a co-founder of Teledyne Inc. The money will fund the Kozmetsky Global Collaboratory (KGC), which will pursue research in using interactive games in education and training, as well as nurturing entrepreneurs, capital pools, and expertise in Silicon Valley.

Specialized labs will be created at KCG, including the Global Knowledge Design Collaboratory, to be led by IC2 director John Butler, Stanford communications professor Clifford Nass, and IC2 senior fellow Syed Shariq; and the Digital Media Collaboratory, to be led by Alex Cavalli, IC2's deputy director, Roy Pea, director of Stanford's Center for Innovation in Learning, Byron Reeves, professor of communication at Stanford, and Ellen Wartella, dean of UT's College of Communication.

For more information, visit: or

Sponsor: Roy Pea of Stanford University Kicks Off Syllabus2003

Syllabus2003, the 10th annual summer conference on education technology, July 27-31, opens with a keynote by Roy Pea, Professor of Education and the Learning Sciences at Stanford University. Dr. Pea has spent his career exploring how technology can transform learning and teaching in the classroom. Focusing on high performance learning environments, he'll describe his experiences at Stanford's Wallenberg Hall and elsewhere in enhancing place-based learning. Don't miss out on all the tremendous speakers, sessions, networking, and educational opportunities this summer. Make plans now to attend Syllabus2003 at the San Jose Marriott and Stanford University. To register and for complete details, go to

Walsh College Approves New Information Technology Degree

The Board of Trustees of Michigan-based business school Walsh College approved the addition of a Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology (BSBIT). Program director Michael McGill said the degree, "retains a focus on business that responds to the changing needs of the information technology field …" He said degree holders would get a leg up on the competition via an "early introduction to project management and business process engineering." Initial coursework will be followed by technical coursework in information security, database design and development, strategic analysis, and project management. The college's information assurance curriculum has been designated as a center of excellence by the National Security Agency.

For more information, visit:

GMU Engineering School Names ObjectVideo's CEO to Board

George Mason University's School of Information Technology and Engineering (IT&E) named ObjectVideo CEO Clara Conti as a member of its advisory board. Conti's company develops intelligent video surveillance software for physical security applications. The school's advisory board, which consists of senior-level corporate executives from IT companies, was established to strengthen relationships between the school and its corporate partners, George Mason said. The School of IT&E claims to be the first engineering school in the United States to focus its scholarship primarily on IT and math-based engineering, as opposed to traditional physical, material-based engineering. It was also the first to offer a doctoral degree in information technology. OjbectVideo was founded in 1998 by a team of former DARPA scientists whose expertise in artificial intelligence and "computer vision" provided the nucleus for the company. Its products use computer vision technology to boost the capabilities of video surveillance systems.

Redundancy Alert: Here Comes

MatchNet plc, a provider of online personal ads, announced the launch of ( ), an interactive dating site designed for college students. The site was designed specifically for college students, its founders say, with tools for searching by school name and major emphasis of study. "Looking for a Science major from Cal Tech or MIT? How about an English major from Michigan? No problem. Just type in the details and you're on your way," says one of MatchNet's marketing lines. Company chairman J'e Shapira says that with 42 percent of college students primarily using the Internet to communicate socially, the service launches with a large, potential market.

Meetings, Conferences, Events in Higher Education

The Electronic Portfolio Consortium (ePortConsortium), a collaboration of select higher education and IT institutions working to create software for an electronic portfolio environment, will hold its next meeting today, April 22, at the eCollege headquarters in Denver, Colo. The objective of the meeting is to further define and identify interoperability and transportability requirements for ePortfolios.

For more information, contact Kristi Emerson at (303) 873-3788.

—Information Literacy: Achieving Essential Collaboration.
Sponsored by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and The TLT Group. April 28-May 16, 2003. This workshop will help participants develop institution-wide collaboration for the most effective, undergraduate information-literacy programs. Topics include overcoming barriers to effective collaboration among academic professionals (including but not limited to librarians and faculty members); forging a common agenda for linking information literacy to student learning; and best practices of information literacy programming.

For more information, visit: or

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