Syllabus News Update for Tuesday, May 11, 2004

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InfoComm 04 Sees a Return of Popular Pavilions

News for Tuesday, May 11, 2004

* UCSD Institute to Tie Open Source IT, Life Sciences Research
* DARPA Funds Effort to Develop Advanced Optical Telecom
* Santa Clara Alumnus Endows SCU Nanotech Research Center
* Villanova Gets Bells & Whistles in Campus Wireless Upgrade
* Profs Conclude Peer-to-Peer Not Harmful to Recording Industry

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UCSD Institute to Tie Open Source IT, Life Sciences Research

The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University
of California is opening a non-profit institute to
develop “trustworthy” open source IT architectures and
solutions to benefit life sciences and health. The Life
Sciences-Information Technology (LSIT) Global Institute,
which will open tomorrow, May 12, in La Jolla, Calif.,
is designed to bring together the life sciences and
information technology communities to create open source
and globally accepted LSIT architectures. Partners on
the project include Pfizer Inc., Sun Microsystems Inc.,
UCSD’s Global Connect, and UCSD School of Health Sciences.

One of the LSIT's main goals is to develop trusted IT
tools to allow doctors and scientists to communicate
more clearly. “The LSIT program will allow doctors,
biologists and computational scientists to work together
and create robust technologies,” said Mark Miller, a
project integrator for Integrated Biosciences at the San
Diego Supercomputer Center. “For the first time in human
history we are now studying diseases at the cellular
level. This means the possibilities of treating, curing
and preventing disease are endless -- it is truly a
great time to be a computational biologist."

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Santa Clara Alumnus Endows SCU Nanotech Research Center

John Ocampo, a Santa Clara University alumnus who is
co-founder and chairman of telecommunications firm
Sirenza Microdevices are donating $1.3 million to create
a new Center for Nanostructures at the University. The
Center for Nanostructures will be an interdisciplinary
center for research and integrated education in the
field of nanoscale science and technology. Engineering
dean Daniel Pitt called the donation "a gift with vision,”
and said it would help the school “take the necessary
steps to supply industry with a workforce with the
necessary technological literacy in the increasingly
critical areas of nanoscale science and technology.”
Ocampo received his electrical engineering degree from
SCU in 1979.

DARPA Funds Effort to Develop Advanced Optical Telecom

The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency's Microsystems
Technologies Office awarded a team of researchers in
industry and higher education, led by a group at the
University of California, Santa Barbara, a grant
potentially worth $15.8 million to develop new technologies
to advance optical router capacity far beyond the
current state of the art. The team was awarded $6.3
million for the first phase of its research, with optional
phases that raise the total to $15.8 million.

The team expects to develop and demonstrate all-optical
technologies and systems that route data packets with no
optical-to-electrical conversion. The potential payoff
is to greatly increase the data speed and power requirements
over current approaches. The anticipated breakthroughs
from the collaboration are expected to advance the
distribution of rich data, voice, and video content.

"Imagine a data stream greater than 10,000 feature-length
films blasting through an optical router in one second,"
said Daniel Blumenthal, a professor of electrical and
computer engineering at U.C. Santa Barbara and leader of
the research team. The research, he explained, will seek
"to revolutionize optical integration density and develop
new technologies to advance optical router capacity
beyond 100 Terabits per second (Tbps)," or about 100 times
the capacity of current state-of-the-art routers.

Learn more:

Villanova Gets Bells & Whistles in Campus Wireless Upgrade

Villanova University plans to upgrade its campus-wide
wireless system to handle voice, data and messaging. The
new system, which is to be supplied by Cingular Wireless,
will go live on a rolling basis, starting now, with the
entire campus up and ready for the Fall 2005 semester.

Villanova's students will have reduced rates on wireless
calling plans, state-of-the-art wireless phones that
include those with imbedded cameras, MP3 players and
AM-FM radios; multimedia and text messaging, color
screens, downloadable ring tones, graphics and as well
as free long distance, voice mail, caller-ID. Other
features include high-speed wireless Web access capable
of handling gaming, e-mail, and music and video

Chief Information Officer Steve Fugale noted the school
is ranked eighth in the category of U.S. technology
connected universities by the Princeton Review, and said
the upgrade will help Villanova maintain its position.

InfoComm 04 Sees a Return of Popular Pavilions

With a reputation for innovation, the InfoComm 04 Show floor
offers a glimpse into the future of AV. Featuring 10,000+ new
technologies as well as Streaming Media, Lighting and Staging,
and Collaborative Conferencing Pavilions, the InfoComm exhibition
is a must-see event.


Profs Conclude P2P Not Harmful to Recording Industry

Felix Oberholzer-Gee of the Harvard Business School and
Koleman S. Strumpf of the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill, have finished a study that concludes
file-sharing d'es not in fact hurt record sales, according
to the New York Times. The two professors claim previous
students showing harm have failed because they depend on
surveys, and that surveys of illegal activity are not
trustworthy. "Those who agree to have their Internet
behavior discussed or monitored are unlikely to be
representative of all Internet users,” the authors wrote.

Studying music downloaders over a 17-week period in the
fall of 2002, Oberholzer Gee and Strumpf compared that
activity with music purchases during that time. Their
conclusion: Spikes in downloading had virtually no
measurable effect on sales. Even under their worst-case
example, "it would take 5,000 downloads to reduce the
sales of an album by one copy," they wrote.

In rebuttal, the Recording Industry of America issued a
report entitled “Downloading Hurts Sales.”

Syllabus2004 July 18-22, San Francisco: Technologies to
Connect the Campus

