News Update from Campus Technology for Tuesday, October 5, 2004

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How Three Institutions Transformed Their Campuses: An Oracle White Paper

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News for Tuesday, October 5, 2004

* WSJ/Harris Poll Ranks Top B-Schools for Tech Recruitment
* UT Supercomputer Harnessed for Emergency Predictive Powers
* Online Degrees: Polytechnic U. EE; Miami International M.F.A.
* Deals: Sun Offers Higher Ed Software License Subscriptions
* E-Recruitment: Schools Waste Marketing Dollars on Print

Is your campus equipped with Intelligent Classrooms?

Dell understands Intelligent Classrooms create new opportunities
in teaching and learning with new technology and network integration.
Go online now to take Dell's free online assessment, which ranks your
campus' Intelligent Classroom Readiness.

WSJ/Harris Poll Ranks Top B-Schools for Tech Recruitment

In its annual ranking of the nation’s top business schools, the Wall
Street Journal and Harris Interactive also ranked those university
business schools that career recruiters for high tech firms find most

According to the poll, released last week, the top 10 B-schools for
high tech recruiters are: (1) Sloan, at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology; (2) Tepper, at Carnegie Mellon University: (3) Smith
at the University of Maryland; (4) Marriott at Brigham Young
University; (5) Harvard University; (6) Ross at the University of
Michigan; (7) Daniels at the University of Denver; (8) Stanford
University: (9) McCombs at the University of Texas; and (10) Hass at
the University of California at Berkeley.

The poll ranked the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business
as the nation’s top overall business school.

How Three Institutions Transformed Their Campuses: An Oracle White Paper

Read how three schools are moving successfully into the future
of information management in an exclusive white paper from
Oracle. Meeting the Future in Higher Education looks at
challenges faced by most higher education institutions today:
shrinking budgets; growing pressure to show ROI; competition
for students; demand from students and faculty for greater
access to information, and legacy systems that no longer meet
a school's needs. In each case, you'll learn how the challenge
was met and what the solution and payoffs were after moving to
technology solutions from Oracle.

To download and read, go to

UT Supercomputer Harnessed for Emergency Predictive Powers

Maverick, a new supercomputer with 3D visualization capability at the
University of Texas at Austin’s Texas Advanced Computing Center
(TACC), will go online on the National Science Foundation's TeraGrid
to provide compute power, storage resources and visualization to
researchers, scientists and engineers across the country. The Sun
UltraSPARC-based system was built to accelerate large-scale data
analysis and visualization for time-critical problems like weather

Maverick was the product of a yearlong design collaboration between
Sun and TACC scientists and engineers. "We expect Maverick's powerful
capabilities for scientific visualization, supported by TACC's expert
visualization staff, to enable the UT Austin and national research
communities to analyze the vast amounts of data being computed on
terascale computing systems and rapidly solve the most challenging
problems," said Dr. Jay Boisseau, director, TACC.

Maverick combines highly sophisticated visualization technology with
a high-bandwidth next generation network to tackle some of the
nation's most pressing concerns, including Emergency Response
Management and Flood Modeling (specifically for the state of Texas);
Global Weather Prediction; Earthquake Engineering; and Homeland
Security including biohazard research.

Online Degrees: Polytechnic U. EE; Miami International M.F.A.

Brooklyn, N.Y.-based Polytechnic University, one of nation's oldest
private technology universities, announced a new distance learning
program that will allow students to earn a Master of Science degree
in electrical engineering through online courses. The admissions
policy is identical for applicants of both the online degree and
traditional degree programs offered at the Brooklyn campus and
graduate centers on Long Island and Westchester County, NY.

For more information, visit:

Meanwhile, Miami International University of Art & Design will offer
two online Master of Fine Arts degree programs beginning in April
2005. The degree offerings, Graphic Design and Computer Animation,
are designed for people currently in the creative field or teachers
who wish to increase specific knowledge and skills in graphic design
or computer animation.

For more information, visit:

Deals: Sun Offers Higher Ed Annual Software License Subscriptions

Sun Microsystems said it will offer Internet2 universities an annual
subscription for its software products. A subscription-based approach
is a way to price technology that is designed to save money in
software deployment and service costs, while supporting mobility,
collaboration and access, according to Sun.

Sun software technologies available to the schools include Sun's
development tools, enterprise and desktop technologies, grid
computing technologies and operating systems.

“Several Internet2 member universities have been seeking alternate
software licensing models to realistically manage the increasing
complexity of the IT infrastructure landscape …,” said Michael
Gettes, senior technology architect and strategist at Duke University,
an Internet2 University member. He added that Sun's software line has
components that both support and enhance Internet2's and help to fill
out an open standards-based infrastructure for the academic,
administrative, and research enterprises of a university.

Syllabus is Now Campus Technology Magazine

Introducing Campus Technology, the only monthly publication
focusing exclusively on the use technology in higher education.
You’ll find in-depth, aggressive coverage of specific technologies,
their uses and implementations, including enterprise resource
planning, eLearning, and course management systems; presentation
technologies; and communication, portal, and security solutions –
all the important issues and trends for campus IT decision makers.
For more information, go to


E-Recruitment: Schools Waste Marketing Dollars on Print Materials

Email marketing company TargetX opened an “interactive recruiting
agency” aimed at helping colleges use online tools to attract and
recruit students. Called iRecruit, the firm will help colleges use
the Web, email and online chats to communicate with prospective
students. “There's a disconnect between the way colleges market
themselves and the way today's students seek information,” said
TargetX CEO Brian Wm. Niles, who claims 75 percent of the time
students spend looking for the right school is spent on the Internet.
Yet most colleges continue to spend “enormous amounts of money and
effort” on print publications and postal mailings.

iRecruit, Niles said, will offer marketing planning that will
emphasize “aggressive use of the Web and online tools” such as email
broadcasting and Internet chat. "We see this as the beginning of a
revolution in student recruiting,” said Niles. “Instead of using the
Internet to supplement their brochures, letters and telemarketing,
colleges will use the traditional tools in support of their online
