IT Trends :: Thursday, May 18, 2006

Deals, Contracts, Awards

Renewed Computer Deals to Save Students, Indiana U. Money

IU's Information Technology Services has restructured. In so doing, it has renewed its deals with Microsoft and Dell. New savings are available for purchases related to home use, as well as on-campus use. Students can now expect to see an additional $50 taken off previous IU discounts for Dell desktops and notebooks, while Microsoft software plans have been renewed to allow for free or discounted rates for downloads of software, including Microsoft Office, Front Page, Visual Studio, Publisher and operating system updates. This will include Window's upcoming Vista release… (TMCnet)

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$3.6M European Project Targets Integrated Wireless Nets

MEMBRANE (Multi-Element Multihop Backhaul Reconfigurable Antenna Network) is a new project to develop "alternative, efficient technologies to connect users in homes and office buildings to the Internet." London's Imperial College is working with Intel, Lucent Technologies, and Telefonica to present a prototype by June 2008. The project aims to use wireless links with advanced antennae to beam a radio signal between buildings' local area networks and external routers. A mesh of routers beaming data between them would form a wireless network that would relay data to and from the public Internet… (InformationWeek)

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