News Update :: Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Contracts, Deals, Awards

UC Irvine, Unisys, Collaborate on Business Process Research

The University of California, Irvine’s computer science school announced an agreement to collaborate on research with Unisys Corp. to explore requirement and rules-driven software. The team is developing software and methodologies to facilitate a business’s ability to view links between business processes and IT infrastructure.

Debra Richardson, a professor of informatics and computer sciences Thomas Alspaugh, will direct the research. Richardson is currently focused on specification-based testing technology throughout the software lifecycle. Alspaugh’s research focuses on the use of scenarios and artifacts to reason out problems and the systems used to solve them. For more information, click here.

Singapore U., Oracle , Offer Asia Grid Computing Certification

Singapore Management University (SMU) and Oracle Corp. launched a program to certify IT professionals involved in designing, building, and managing enterprise grid infrastructures. Oracle said the deal strengthens its support of Singapore as the hub of grid computing in the Asia-Pacific region.

SMU said it wanted to certify 60 IT professionals as enterprise grid architects over the next three years via SMU’s School of Information Systems. “Grid or utility computing is one of the cornerstone strategies used by organizations to optimize their computational resources and to enable service-oriented computing,” said Steven Miller, dean of the School of Information Systems at SMU. “Knowledge of grid computing will be a valuable asset in their training to be a new breed of business-oriented IT professionals who have depth in both business analysis and IT solutions design.” For more information, click here.
