SmartClassroom :: Wednesday, October 18, 2006

News & Product Updates

E-Book Explores Learning Spaces

EDUCAUSE has published a new e-book called Learning Spaces. It focuses on how learner expectations influence such spaces, the principles and activities that facilitate learning, and the role of technology from the perspective of those who create learning environments. Under the editorship of EDUCAUSE Vice-President Diana Oblinger, the book discusses design philosophies, links between physical and virtual space and learning, and offers an appendix of case studies...

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Web Site Offers Discussion on Transcending Biology

Ray Kurzweil was a featured speaker at the 2007 EDUCAUSE Conference. During his presentation, he spoke of transformational changes in the very near future for education and health care. His Web site offers debate and discussion on a variety of challenging ideas, including his speculation on when humans transcend biology: The singularity is near. This level of understanding the neurology of learning has obvious implications for how we educate students...

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Collaboration Opens Up Online Learning

The Common Cartridge initiative is a collaboration among publishers, course management system providers, and others interested in being able to easily move content from one electronic delivery system to another, while maintaining its structure and formatting. A working demonstration was provided at this year’s AltiLab conference in Indianapolis. The Common Cartridge initiative offers clear benefits to publishers for reducing their production costs and may also benefit faculty who wish to export their work from one course management system to another...

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