Rensselaer To Offer Fall Ph.D. Program in 'Electronic Arts'

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute will offer a new Ph.D. degree in "electronic arts"  this fall, a program designed to explore the use of the latest high tech art tools to explore academic disciplines.

The program will  "meld Rensselaer's diverse arts offerings--computer music, video, sound arts, performance, and Web-based and installation-based art, among others--with disciplinary areas, depending on a student's particular focus," according to the university.

Rensselaer said the electronic arts doctoral degree could focus on areas of study that might include computer science, cultural studies, biology, information technology, engineering, architecture, biotechnology, or cognitive science.

"The digital revolution of the past decade has lowered disciplinary boundaries and facilitated the rapid incorporation of technology into the arts," said Rensselaer President Shirley Ann Jackson. The new degree program will prepare candidates to "combine creative experimentation with research, while preparing them to become the artists, professors, administrators, researchers, and curators of the next generation."

The advanced degree would  build on Rensselaer's Integrated Electronic Arts (iEAR). In the program, electronic music, computer graphics, animation, installation, and video are as different faces of the same discipline.

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About the Author

Paul McCloskey is contributing editor of Syllabus.
