IT Trends :: Thursday, July 5, 2007

Case Study

Mining Data To Find Gold at Coppin State U
By Linda L. Briggs

At Coppin State University in Baltimore, MD, colorful screen displays can tell a dean or provost at a glance and a click of the mouse what a faculty member's course load is, how heavily a classroom is being utilized, and even how many students from a specific high school have applied and been accepted to date....

IT News

Central Connecticut Contracts Oce To Scan Student Data
Central Connecticut State University recently contracted Oce Business services to provide the university with archival scanning technology to help preserve student information....
CBN Launches 3 Lead-Generation Portals
The CollegeBound Network (CBN) has beefed up its higher education search and lead-generation services by adding threw new search sites:, TopCareerSchools and
LUC Fine Tunes Site for Recruitment
Loyola University Chicago recently revamped its website’s organization and features in an attempt to target and attract prospective students. According to Loyola, 77.8 percent of freshman its applications were received online, and the majority of the current freshman class was chosen from online applicants....
UMD Researchers Build Single-Chip Supercomputer
University of Maryland researchers have developed a new technology they describe as a "single-chip supercomputer prototype," which would be capable of speeds 100 times faster than current desktops. It is based on parallel processing on a single chip....
Virtual Ed Link To Provide Emergency Response
Emergency response software provider Viyya Technologies will be teaming up with energy management firm The Atlantic Cos. to launch Virtual Ed Link, a new unit designed to provide emergency management technologies for K-12 and higher ed institutions. The letter of intent between the two companies was signed earlier this month....
JP Morgan, Syracuse Partner on Financial IT Curriculum
Investment banking firm JP Morgan Chase announced a $30 million partnership with Syracuse University designed to supply the bank with graduates trained in financial and information technology....
Campus Messaging System Upgrades Continue Apace
Colleges and universities around the country are continuing to rapidly adopt or upgrade their electronic and wireless messaging systems for campus emergency alerts in the wake of the Virginia Tech mass murder....

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