LectureShare Takes Open Source Approach to Education
LectureShare has debuted its free online course management system (CMS) at lectureshare.com, which lets instructors upload class announcements, documents, and audio and video files.
The materials are available to students and the public once uploaded, and the system can notify students of new updates via SMS text messages, RSS, or e-mail. All instructors need to do is register, create a title for their course, and start uploading.
The service joins the ranks of other open-source CMS and collaboration tools, such as Moodle and Sakai. LectureShare is aiming to support universities and high schools without the resources needed to maintain their own CMS.
LectureShare is currently in beta and open to the public. The development team is looking for user feedback to bring improvements to the services over the next few months.
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About the Author
David Kopf is a freelance technology writer and marketing consultant, and can be reached at [email protected].