Brief: Barracuda Sponsors 24-hour Programming Contests

Barracuda Networks awarded more than $5,000 to the winners of a programming competition at the University of Michigan last weekend.

According to information released by the company, "The program was such a success, we'll be doing a few more in the coming weeks," including one at the University of California at Berkeley on October 14 and another tentatively scheduled for November at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

For the 24-hour competition, teams were asked to write intelligent bots that played against each other, with a three-hour tournament held at the end to determine the winning team.

The first place team took home $3,141.59, while the second and third place teams won $1,414.21 and $602.21 respectively.

To learn more or to see photos of the event, visit Barracuda's Facebook page at

About the Author

Joshua Bolkan is contributing editor for Campus Technology, THE Journal and STEAM Universe. He can be reached at [email protected].
