3D Printer Challenge Now Accepting Educational Models as Entries

CGTrader.com is offering a challenge to find the best 3D models for educational purposes in the world. Anybody can use a 3D printer to enter the challenge that will result in prizes for the highest-quality 3D education models.

To enter the challenge, go to the 3D printing challenge page of CGTrader.com and enter before March 18, 2015.

3D models entered in the challenge will be judged on the quality of the models; their uniqueness, innovation and general achievement in design; and the clear and attractive presentation of the model submitted.

Winners will receive a bundle of equipment and prizes that will include:

  • A roll of filament;
  • The printed model of the winner's choice;
  • A downloaded course; and
  • Bags, hats and shirts from Autodesk.

CGTrader, which is presenting the challenge, is an online marketplace for 3D model designers that is not associated with any printing companies or vendors.

"We strongly believe that 3D printing has the capacity to push innovation and help teachers experiment with more interactive class activities," said Marius Kalytis, founder and CEO of the Vilnius, Lithuania-based company. "Introducing 3D printers into the classroom is the only reliable way to expose kids to this cutting-edge technology and prepare them for their future careers."

Kalytis said the purpose of the challenge is to identify three-dimensional visual aids that would help teachers illustrate hard-to-grasp concepts in science, technology, engineering and math. The challenge is open to anybody anywhere in the world.

Entries that have already been submitted can be viewed at CGTrader.com.

About the Author

Michael Hart is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer and the former executive editor of THE Journal.
