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Open Educational Resources

Ed Map Updates OpenVue and Curate To Support OER

Ed Map, an education technology company offering bookstore software and services, has added a new business model and expanded its content curation services for higher education institutions.

Ed Map's OpenVue course materials management platform and options for supply chain management services are now available through a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) business model. According to a news release from the company, the model does not mark up the cost of educational content and is intended to support the adoption of open educational resources (OER) and other low-cost content initiatives. "[T]his is a far better way to tackle affordability and access than used and rental textbooks," said Kerry Pigman, president and COO of Ed Map, in a prepared statement.

Ed Map is also expanding its Curate professional services, which employs academic librarians and content area experts to search out and vet open educational resources and disaggregated content. Educational institutions can now provide Ed Map with their desired educational outcomes and other school-specific parameters, and then Curate professional services will identify resources that meet those parameters.

"Today's content ecosystem is in transition," added Pigman. "It's failing those it was intended to serve – students, faculty, institutions, and content providers. Core to our mission is increasing the value of educational content; too many students make the unfortunate choice every day to go without critical materials."

Further information about OpenVue and Curate can be found on Ed Map's site.

About the Author

Leila Meyer is a technology writer based in British Columbia. She can be reached at [email protected].

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