Top 7 Campus Technology Stories in September

From outsourcing to learning spaces, here's what was trending on our website last month.

The Future of Collaboration Spaces Encompasses Video, Interactive, Mobile
A recent learning space renovation at Indiana University focused on informal learning, collaborative technology and sharing ideas and content across multiple devices and users.

Why It's Time for Education Technology to Become an Academic Discipline
Eddie Maloney, executive director of Georgetown's Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship, makes the case for a new academic discipline built around the study of educational technology, learning analytics and instructional design.

Global E-Learning Market in Steep Decline, Report Says
The worldwide self-paced e-learning market is declining at a precipitous rate, according to a recent report released by Ambient Insight Research, a Washington state-based market research firm.

UC San Francisco Outsourcing IT Ops to India
IT people are sounding sick from the announcement that the University of California San Francisco intends to outsource many of its technology functions to an India-based service provider.

Outsourcing IT in Higher Ed: A Necessary Evil?
When an American company outsources work to an Indian firm, plenty of IT professionals bemoan how management is willing to bury middle-class jobs in pursuit of profits. But what if the organization doing the outsourcing is a public university?

Federal Ban Leads to ITT Tech Shutdown
ITT Education Services is ceasing operations at 137 schools and eliminating 8,000 employees, less than three weeks after the United States Department of Education cut off federal funding to the company.

Students Report: Classroom Use of Tech Getting Lamer
More students earned better grades in their face-to-face courses than they did in their online courses. And more of them said they believe they could do even better if their professors used more technology in the classroom. Yet in some ways student confidence in the use of classroom technology appears to be on the wane, according to a recent survey.

About the Author

Rhea Kelly is editor in chief for Campus Technology, THE Journal, and Spaces4Learning. She can be reached at [email protected].
