EAB Announces Recruitment Management Module Extension of Its Navigate Enrollment Platform

Enrollment, student success, and education research company EAB has rolled out a new Recruitment Management Module as part of its Navigate enrollment platform. The new module will help colleges recruit and retain students with a coordinated, single platform that provides outreach to students. The company partnered with several community colleges to test the module, and showcased it at the annual League for Innovation in the Community College Innovations Conference this month.

The Navigate platform enhances students' college careers, from application, onboarding and orientation, advising and support, to students' engagement in their own progress. The Recruitment Management Module begins the process earlier in the student's journey by creating a communications strategy to attract prospective students and help colleges take them through the enrollment process. The module streamlines data from different recruitment sources to reduce staff time, EAB said in its release.

"Hundreds of students apply to our school each year but never enroll, representing missed opportunities to boost attendance and help more students access higher education," said Dr. Sandra Davis, vice president of student services at Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College. "Now, we can build relationships with interested students in Navigate, a system we already use, so fewer students fall through the cracks."

In September 2022, EAB announced the acquisition of Concourse Global, creator of a platform that allows pre-college students to work with counselors and organizations to create anonymous profiles of their academic records, achievements, and preferences. These are sent out to prospective colleges and universities before a formal application is ever submitted. Institutions can review profiles and make offers to interest students in applying. EAB said the platform will enhance its goal of helping underserved students, especially those not well-served by the typical college enrollment process.

With Navigate and the new module, partner institutions gain access to "decades of research, an EAB expert dedicated to their success, events designed to disseminate best practices, and a close-knit community of like-minded campus leaders," said Scott Schirmeier, president of EAB Technology.

For more information about how Navigate and the Recruitment Management Module work, download this flier, which includes a link to request a demo.

Visit this page for EAB's white paper, "Every Interaction Counts: Strengthening Community College Recruitment Communications Amidst the Great Opt-out."

EAB "works with over 2,500 institutions to drive transformative change through data-driven insights and best-in-class capabilities. From kindergarten to college to career, EAB partners with leaders and practitioners to accelerate progress and drive results across five major areas: enrollment, student success, institutional strategy, data analytics, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)." Visit EAB's About Us page to learn more.

About the Author

Kate Lucariello is a former newspaper editor, EAST Lab high school teacher and college English teacher.
