Call for Opinions: 2025 Predictions for Higher Ed IT

How will the technology landscape in higher education change in the coming year? We're inviting our readership to weigh in with their predictions, wishes, or worries for 2025.

In particular, we're asking for opinions on the following topics:

  • Cybersecurity and privacy;
  • Artificial intelligence; and
  • Developments in ed tech.

Share your ideas on the outlook for higher education IT by e-mailing us at [email protected] (150 words max) with the subject line "2025 Predictions Submission." Please include your name, title, organization, and a brief bio. Submissions are due by Dec. 16, 2024.

Selected opinions will be featured in an upcoming article. Help us all navigate the new and evolving trends shaping colleges and universities today and in the future!

About the Author

Rhea Kelly is editor in chief for Campus Technology, THE Journal, and Spaces4Learning. She can be reached at [email protected].
