1EdTech: 6 Key Steps for a Successful Credentialing Program

A new report from 1EdTech Consortium outlines recommendations for creating microcredential programs in schools, colleges, and universities. Based on input from K-12, primary, secondary, post-secondary, and workforce educational organizations around the world, "Six Steps for a Successful Credentialing Program: A Case Study Review" provides lessons learned from implementations and their impact on credential earners, focusing in on six key steps that were consistently recommended.

Those best practices include:

  1. Create an internal committee or council. "Every program pointed to the importance of getting buy-in from stakeholders within their institution or organization," the report found. Internal collaboration and support is crucial for success.
  2. Involve external stakeholders. "External input can help you increase the value of the digital credentials you offer," the report noted. Leverage those industry partners to better understand what they need and determine the best ways to provide learners with those skills.
  3. Create a taxonomy. It's important for the quality of credentials to remain consistent as a program grows, the report emphasized. "Taxonomies can be tied to internal goals, institutional frameworks, third-party standards or any other guideposts to follow …. The point is to find one that works for your organization to maintain the value of all issued credentials."
  4. Start small. Many contributors to the report recommended starting small, making gradual progress, and being ready to adapt as needed.
  5. Focus on ideation and continuous improvement. "Take what you've learned, and the feedback from your internal and external stakeholders and make the necessary adjustments to build a successful program," the report said.
  6. Choose a platform that aligns with standards. Standards such as 1EdTech's Open Badges or Comprehensive Learner Record prioritize openness and ensure that credentials aren't locked into a single platform.

The full report, including further details on each step and case studies from contributing education institutions, is available on the 1EdTech site (registration required).

About the Author

Rhea Kelly is editor in chief for Campus Technology, THE Journal, and Spaces4Learning. She can be reached at [email protected].
