Campus Technology 2009:
Breakout Sessions
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009: 10:00 - 11:00 am
T01: A Successful Approach for Managing 21st Century Classrooms
Jeremy Todd, Interim Director of Office of Classroom Management, University of Minnesota
What is the unique University of Minnesota classroom management model? Learn how the Office of Classroom Management was created and organized as the single point of responsibility and accountability for all central classroom issues on a large campus. Through combining course data base/scheduling, utilization, facilities coordination, technology, support, planning and advocacy, UMN created a true “one-stop” organization to support student learning and faculty teaching in classrooms.
Learning Infrastructure
T02: Supporting Technically-Facilitated Intercultural Classes
Robert Smith, Director of Technology Services, Helen Chen, Research Scientist, and Menko Johnson, Academic Technology Specialist, Stanford University
During this session, through exposition and brainstorming presenters will lay out the basic elements of two types of classes; one largely successful and one that fell a bit short of expectations. During the brainstorming phase, presenters will facilitate a group redesign of the failed class, collecting experiences and ideas from attendees into an online document that will be made available for download following the session.
New Media for Instruction
T03: The 21st Century Campus: Are We There Yet?
Julie Smith, Vice President, Higher Education, CDW Government, Inc.
The 21st century campus is here; but is higher education taking full advantage of all it has to offer? This interactive discussion with faculty, IT staff and students will highlight how technology is shaping today’s college learning environment, including the tools and best practices needed to create and sustain an innovative and dynamic campus.
The Digital Campus
T04: Bringing Student Web 2.0 "Stuff" to Campus Enterprise Systems and Why
Trent Batson, Editor, Campus Technology and Stuart Sim, Chief Technology Officer and Architect,
Learn how student work at Web 2.0 sites, like Flickr, YouTube and many others, can be imported into campus enterprise systems, such as the course management system or the campus ePortfolio system, and why this is important. Come learn how this technology process creates an opportunity to extend the "chain of evidence" of student work further into the web, which is becoming the new desktop. Attendees will also learn how the Web2ePortfolio Initiative is helping support this new process.
Web 2.0 and Social Software
T05: Sakai 3.0: The Future is Here
Josh Baron, Director of Academic Technology and eLearning, Marist College
Over the past few years we’ve watched as a fledgling collaboration and learning environment has grown from a cooperative project of five institutions to a highly successful and sustainable open source product of an independent foundation. Thanks to Mellon Foundation support, we now are using grown-up Sakai 2.0 mainstream. What’s next? Sakai 3.0-of course, which many Sakai community members think will represent a major development for the CMS/LMS industry as well as a big step forward for Sakai.
Learning Infrastructure
Tuesday, July 28, 2009: 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
T06: Collaborative Learning Spaces: Physical and Virtual
Erin DeSilva and Jessica Caron, Instructional Technology Specialists, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
This interactive session will discuss several ways in which collaboration technologies are enhancing the learning spaces of students on the Worcester Polytechnic Institute campus and beyond. Attendees will utilize Google Docs and live discussion to explore effective collaboration techniques.
Learning Infrastructure
T07: Five Elements of Exceptional Technology Enhanced Learning
Stephen Laster, Chief Information Officer, Harvard Business School
As world economies continue to face uncertainty, the opportunity for high-quality and cost-effective eLearning has never been greater. Stephen Laster will share how to “get back to basics” and concentrate on creating instructionally sound experiences that leverage the power and reach of today’s collaborative technologies. Through thoughtful design, we can collectively deliver on the true potential of the apex of teaching, learning and technology.
New Media for Instruction
T08: Real-World Identity Management Solutions
John Lewis, Chief Software Architect, Unicon, Inc.
Today's IT industry is awash with offerings in the identity management space. In this session the presenter will explore real, tactical things we can do now to start solving the identity management issues in our enterprises and take a look at current efforts in the higher education community. We will consider technologies, key standards, and most importantly, the policy and procedure issues we must address, regardless of technology, to achieve proper governance over our enterprise identities.
The Digital Campus
T09: Immersive Education: An Open Source, Collaborative Environment
Keith Rajecki, Solutions Architect, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Immersive education combines 3D and virtual reality technology with digital media to immerse and engage students in the same way that today’s best video games grab and keep the attention of players. This session will feature a review of Project Wonderland, a multi-user virtual-learning environment designed to deliver the security, scalability, reliability and functionality organizations need to conduct the business of learning.
Web 2.0 and Social Software
T10: Campus Wide Lecture Capture in the Classroom and Beyond
Keith Williams, Instructional Designer, Joseph Bonchi, Director of Instructional Support Services and William Reynolds, Director of Instructional Technology and Media Services, New Jersey Institute of Technology
This session will focus on the solutions developed at NJIT to address the challenges of providing a campus-wide lecture capture system. The participation of NJIT in the Camtasia Relay beta program and the current state of capturing lectures using visualizers and graphics tablets in the classroom will be presented.
New Media for Instruction
Tuesday, July 28, 2009: 3:45 - 4:45 pm
T11: One Watt and $70: Virtual Desktops Deliver Low-Cost Green Computing
Thomas Hoover, Director of Instructional Technology Support, Pepperdine University and Jenny Cummings, Educational Solutions Specialist, NComputing
Pepperdine University drastically reduced IT energy consumption while spending less money by using commercially available desktop virtualization technology. During this session, Thomas Hoover, IT director of Pepperdine, will explain the dramatic energy and up-front cost savings discovered by using desktop virtualization appliances. A representative of NComputing will share the applications and implications of the technology and additional case studies.
Learning Infrastructure
T12: Assessment in an Online Environment: Challenges and Opportunities
John Ittelson, Director of Instructional Technologies, K-20 California Educational Technology Collaborative, and Professor, California State University at Monterey Bay, Helen Chen, Research Scientist, Stanford University, Gary Brown, Director for the Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology, Washington State University, and Michael Cottam, Director of Instructional Design, Rio Salado College
This panel will offer their observations about recent trends and future possibilities in the assessment of education online. Of course, technology both creates new assessment challenges and opens up new opportunities for positive change. While reflecting on the far-reaching implications of technologies such as ePortfolios and new communications tools or rich media for instruction, the panel will draw on real-world examples from their own institutions and related programs. Assessment in the sciences (using virtual labs and praticums online), assessing language skills, using multidimensional rubrics including writing and critical thinking competencies, and security and academic integrity are just a few among the many topics you’ll hear about as panelists compare their thoughts about assessment strategies—for fully online programs to blended course offerings, and online futures!
New Media for Instruction
T13: Transforming Enterprise Video Support and Resources in Higher Education
Lance Cunningham, Director of the Office of Information Technology and Video Solutions, University of Minnesota
The OIT Video Solutions department, within the Office of Technology at UMN dedicated to video support and resources for students, faculty and staff, is currently transforming the way that digital video is used by providing broader access to tools and resources for video conferencing, production, storage, management and delivery of video assets. This session will discuss the transformative process, goals and challenges of OIT Video Solutions and future steps.
The Digital Campus
T14: Using Web 2.0 Tools Online: If You Build It, They Will Learn
Janice Butler, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Brownsville
This session will focus on the effective use of a variety of Web 2.0 technologies to engage students in dynamic, interactive and collaborative online and hybrid courses. The presenter will also share examples of the tools and suggestions for overcoming the inevitable technology glitches and management challenges instructors face during initial implementation. Finally, the session will include comments from students previously or currently enrolled in a variety of Web 2.0 courses.
Web 2.0 and Social Software
T15: Web 2.0 and Social Software
Jeff Keltner, Business Development Manager, Google, Inc.
The next generation of students brings a different set of expectations to campus. Meeting the expectations of these students, and providing the tools necessary to enable next generation teaching and learning, are difficult challenges for many campuses today. Jeff Keltner from Google, along with a student, a professor and a university CIO, will discuss these challenges, and share ideas about how your campus can provide tools that meet student demand.
Web 2.0 and Social Software
Wednesday, July 29, 2009: 10:00 - 11:00 am
W16: Lessons and Outcomes from University of Minnesota's Future Classrooms
Jeremy Todd, Interim Director of the Office of Classroom Management and Linda Jorn, Director of the Digital Media Center, University of Minnesota
Are you looking to the future in classroom design? The University of Minnesota did just that by constructing two pilot classrooms designed as student-centered, integrated, flexible learning spaces. Goals of the pilot included stimulating interest in innovative classrooms, demonstrating new flexible classroom construction techniques and formal faculty and student assessment of new classroom designs and pedagogy. Come hear the lessons learned, outcomes and pedagogical impact of these forward-looking classrooms.
Learning Infrastructure
W17: Using Virtual Classroom Software for Distance Education: It Works!
Robert Griffin, Assistant Director of Distance Learning, Saint Francis University
In 2004, the Center of Excellence for Remote and Medically Under-Served Areas (CERMUSA) began a multi-year study designed to identify and evaluate available virtual classroom software (VCS). By conducting a comprehensive review of VCS technology, CERMUSA hoped to select the best tool for its own distance learning program, as well as develop a framework that could be used by other distance educators to evaluate future entries into the VCS marketplace. This session will review the study and provide an evaluation of VCS software.
New Media for Instruction
W18: Building a 21st Century Campus Cyberinfrastructure for Research
Steven Corbató, Director of Cyberinfrastructure Strategic Initiatives, University of Utah
Dr. Steve Corbató will share his experience in advancing the Internet2 backbone, the National Science Foundation’s GENI project, and extending the University of Utah’s cyberinfrastructure and research network to enable high-bandwidth, high-performance research on a global scale. Corbató will describe how to blend critical cyberinfrastructure components (including people!) to serve digital campus communities with immersive learning opportunities and demanding research requirements.
The Digital Campus
W19: Today's Document Imaging Reality: Paperless Admissions and Financial Aid Systems
Greg Keswick, Assocaite Director, Student Information Services, Boston College, Pamela Brennan, Senior Associate Director of Operations, Undergraduate Admissions, Northeastern University, and Joe Tufano, Vice President and CIO, St. John's University
Moderator: Bob Zagami, Chairman, AIIM International
This panel discussion will include CIO's, admissions and financial aid executives who have successfully implemented paperless document management solutions at their colleges and universities to reduce cost and increase productivity. Discussions will focus on integration of imaging technologies with administrative software, Student Information Systems and SaaS delivery models.
The Digital Campus
W20: An Open Forum on Open Education
Josh Baron, Director of Academic Technology and eLearning, Marist College, Stephen Carson, Director of OpenCourseWare External Relations, MIT, Steven Lerman, Vice Chancellor and Dean for Graduate Education, MIT, and Joel Thierstein, Associate Provost for Innovative and Scholarly Communications and Executive Director Connexions, Rice University
We’ve all watched open source initiatives take root in higher education institutions, from collaborative learning environments like Sakai, to administrative systems like Kuali, to open content initiatives like OpenCourseWare. Did you ever wonder where this is all going? Open Education may be the end game of all of these trends and could represent a radical shift in how people are educated. Join in an open discussion of the state of open education moderated by Josh Baron.
Learning Infrastructure
Wednesday, July 29, 2009: 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
W21: Smarter, Cheaper, More Effective: New Models for Learning Space Design
Andrew Milne, Chief Executive Officer, Tidebreak, Inc. and Geoff Mitchell, Director of Integrated Help Services, Queensland University of Technology
Institutions that build advanced classrooms do so in only a small fraction of their spaces. Retro-fitting a larger number can be institutionally daunting and cost prohibitive, but nonetheless necessary to achieve a significant impact. This session will show new learning space models that cut deployment and maintenance costs by 25 to 45 percent and provide quantitative data and video clips demonstrating their effectiveness in supporting collaborative learning. See how to create sustainable advanced learning spaces for broad deployment.
Learning Infrastructure
W22: Breaking Bonds of Space and Time: Facilitating Student Collaboration
David Gannon, Associate Director of Academic Computing and Enoch Park, Instructional Support Specialist, Bryant University
Although faculty collaboration occurs frequently, student online collaboration practices are less well known. Over the course of a semester, an honors business course at Bryant University experimented with various technological solutions to assist team members in collaborating in an online environment. This session will showcase the results of the experiment.
New Media for Instruction
W23: Mobile Delivery: Towards Portable Cloud Computing
Henry van Zyl, Vice-Provost, Thomas Edison State College and Ann Boland, Managing Partner, OHE Associates
How do you migrate 16,000 students to mobile delivery of various course elements? Thomas Edison State College in Trenton, New Jersey, rolled out their mobile learning initiative after a year of pilot testing. Using Hot Lava Software, they converted content for delivery to any web-enabled cell phone, trained all staff to coach and mentor students in mobile delivery and built enthusiasm for meeting student needs to learn “anywhere/anytime.”
The Digital Campus
W24: Mixing it Up: Higher Education/K12 Immersive Development
Aaron E. Walsh, Director, Grid Institute and Boston College Faculty and Cary Palumbo, Principal, South Park Elementary
Immersive education is breaking down barriers—and not only physical limitations or restrictions of space, time, or distance. In this session attendees will see how new immersive technology development is fostering collaborations across traditional ‘levels’ of education, and hear how colleges and universities around the world and an elementary school in Colorado worked together on the development of mixed reality learning technologies. Come see the results of this amazing work first hand, and find out how these efforts will benefit students of all ages, from K12 through all levels of higher education around the globe.
Web 2.0 and Social Software
W25: Academic Technology Leaders in Higher Education: The Future and Our Role
Linda Jorn, Director of the Digital Media Center, University of Minnesota and Joan Falkenberg Getman, Senior Strategist for Learning Technologies, Cornell University
What should be the role of academic technology leaders in the strategic planning process? What does academic technology leadership look like in the 21st century? What key 21st century services, products, and ideas do academic technology leaders need to know about? Don’t miss the discussion—it’s your academic technology future!
Web 2.0 and Social Software
Wednesday, July 29, 2009: 3:45 - 4:45 pm
W26: Sustainably Green: Achieving Long-Term Environmental Benefits in IT
Larry Owens, Systems Manager, Franklin and Marshall College
Colleges and universities are becoming committed to green initiatives. The key is to develop sustainable designs that provide long-term benefits. As the tech-savvy campus grows, the importance of multimedia programs grows; however, these required technologies increase energy needs. Come hear how after designing a sustainability initiative with its community, Franklin & Marshall College’s IT department evaluated its data center and integrated virtualization to provide long-term green benefits.
Learning Infrastructure
W27: Faculty-Student Collaboration in IT Innovation
Jim Wolfgang, Director of the Digital Innovation Group, Georgia College and State University, Susanna Wong Herndon, Director of Technology Enhanced Learning, University of Texas at Austin, and Keith Politte, Manager, Technology Testing Center, Reynolds Journalism Institute, Missiouri School of Journalism
Join this interactive panel session to discuss how faculty-student collaborations can foster genuine IT innovation and why these collaborations yield a great Return on Investment for all parties. Panelists will explore the factors for success; guiding vision, foundational support, and fiscal resources. The panelists will draw from current examples of development projects at their institutions, and show how student projects can become real-world applications. Finally, panelists will also reflect on the process and protocol for student-faculty development teams.
New Media for Instruction
W28: Creating a Future Vision for the 21st Century Campus
William Havice, Associate Dean for Academic Support Services and Pamela Havice, Associate Professor, Clemson University
By pushing the boundaries of both teaching and campus, the presenters are finding new ways to enrich the student experience. Using innovative learning technologies, students captured their philosophy statements in a succinct two-minute multi-media presentation that potential graduate schools and employers could view on-demand.
The Digital Campus
W29: Engaging Millennial Students with Web 2.0 Tools
Mark Frydenberg, Senior Lecturer, Bentley University
User-generated content and collaboration are two characteristics of Web 2.0 applications. This session will present several web 2.0 tools that teachers might use (or teach students to use) to engage students via live polling, live blogging, collaborative browsing, desktop sharing, and video conferencing and streaming video. The presenter will also share examples of student work to show how these tools might be used in the classroom.
Web 2.0 and Social Software
W30: Immersive Technology Platform Standards: Sharing Your World
Aaron E. Walsh, Director, Grid Institute and Boston College Faculty, Julian Lombardi, Assistant Vice President for Academic Services and Research Support, Office of Information Technology at Duke University, John Lester, Strategist and Evangelist, Second Life, Linden Labs, and Jordan Slott, Staff Engineer, Sun Microsystems
As institutions venture onto new virtual ground, they focus on the immersive experiences they are opening up to their students. But how will institutions share their work in immersive education more generally, and how do they know that their development efforts can be leveraged in the future? This session examines emerging standards for immersive environments, and considers the issues technology and academic leaders on campus should consider as they explore the amazing opportunities of immersive education.
Web 2.0 and Social Software
Thursday, July 30, 2009: 8:30 - 9:30 am
TH31: Blending Apples and Oranges: iTunes U, Pedagogy and Infrastructure
Yordanos Baharu, Director of the Instructional Technology Lab, Eric Alvarado, Director of Academic Technologies, John Arpino, Manager for Audiovisual Development and Engineering, P.B. Garrett, Assistant Vice-President and Deputy Chief Information Officer for Academic Affairs, and Yianna Vovides, Director of Instructional Design, George Washington University
This session will feature a demonstration and discussion on how George Washington University integrated the inherent flexibility that iTunes U offers for both pedagogical innovation and delivery of instruction with the university’s infrastructure. This implementation provided a seamless and minimal-to-no-learning curve use of the system. In addition, tools will be shared that were designed by the presenters that allowed for integration of such services with Blackboard.
Learning Infrastructure
TH32: Stand Out From the Crowd: Differentiate Your Campus with Class Capture
Alan Macdougall, Director of Academic Computing, University of New Haven
Technology is often seen as a differentiator to prospective and current students choosing to attend or stay enrolled at a particular institution. In this session, learn how the University of New Haven uses class capture to "stand out from the crowd"–providing a means to enhance learning outcomes and improve student recruitment and retention. In addition, Alan will discuss the advantages of a web-based class capture service as an easy and cost-effective way to positively impact institutions, particularly in a troubled economy.
New Media for Instruction
TH33: SaaS or Do-it-Yourself: How University Data Backup is Moving Online
Walter Petruska, Information Security Officer and Director, University of San Francisco
The University of San Francisco is implementing an online backup service for faculty PCs, as well as departmental field servers. This session shares their decision to move from a build-it-yourself infrastructure to a SaaS model. The results are significant cost-savings and an improvement in the ability to centrally manage the university’s backups.
The Digital Campus
TH34: Melding Web 2.0 Technologies to Maximize the User Experience
Melanee Hamilton, Director of Web Communications, Lindsey Johnson, Portal Content Manager, and Erin Yarbrough, Project Manager, The University of Oklahoma
The University of Oklahoma is melding open source and freeware applications as well as enterprise systems to bring together popular Web 2.0 technologies and leverage "best of breed" tools to create a vibrant, interactive and engaging campus community. From YouTube to Luminis portal to student-driven blogging, the presenters will discuss how the university selects and implements these fresh, innovative Web 2.0 technologies and how to use an enterprise content management system to bring it all together.
Web 2.0 and Social Software
TH35: Cloud Computing: Real Life Lessons Learned and Best Practices
Anthony Hill, Chief Technology Officer, TopSchool
While Cloud Computing is in its infant stage, and it is already impacting higher education. Initially adopted primarily in academic computing, Cloud Computing is positioned to deliver significant payback for administrative computing. Join Anthony Hill, as he shares the risks, lessons and best practices in transforming an institution’s IT and business models.
The Digital Campus
Thursday, July 30, 2009: 9:45 - 10:45 am
TH36: Five Not-So-Easy But Possible Steps: Blackboard to Moodle in One Semester
Jessica McKean, eLearning Specialist, Alliant International University
This session will share key events leading to the changeover of 900 core and adjunct faculty and 4,500 students from Blackboard to Moodle in one semester across six California and three international campuses. Presenters will discuss the important steps taken to create a positive buzz throughout the university, and will provide documentation and visuals of each step of the process.
Learning Infrastructure
TH37: Creating the Social Research Tools of the Future
Victor Henning, Founder and Director, Mendeley Ltd., and Jan Reichelt, Co-Founder and Director, Mendeley Ltd.
This session travels to the year 2019. Using the “Collective Headline Mindmapping” exercise, attendees will collect and discuss the social research tools that made news in campus technology in the past 10 years. What became possible, what happened, what do we wish didn’t happen? Attendees will then contrast the results with a social research tool developed during the session.
New Media for Instruction
TH38: Education in the Clouds
Lorenzo Mejia, Senior Executive Vice President of Carrier Business, SIMtone Corporation
Virtualization has combined with high-speed bandwidth to create an entirely new computing paradigm, often called cloud computing. Within this new paradigm, it is possible to deliver any computing experience as a service to any device and in any location. While cloud computing is ideal for large corporations, experts also expect potential benefits of cloud computing for the education market.
The Digital Campus
TH39: Reflections on Academic Use of the Second Life Environment in Higher Education
Ines Evaristo Chiyong, Academic Coordinator of Avatar PUCP, and Jose Elias Arcelles, Teaching Staff, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
This session will focus on the experiences of the Group Avatar-PUCP, which was created to explore the virtual environment and assess the viability of avatars as tools to improve learning in higher education. The presenters will share the planning, implementation and evaluation of a class utilizing the Second Life environment as an academic tool.
Web 2.0 and Social Software
TH40: SAIP: Integrating the Academic Enterprise
Michael Feldstein, Principal Product Manager, Academic Enterprise Solutions, Oracle
With today’s level of service expectations, there’s no more room for antiquated batch processes. In this session, Michael Feldstein will explain how SAIP will help institutions leverage the new IMS Learning Information Services standard to provide real-time integration of student information and course management systems, and a foundation for enterprise integration of other local and SaaS teaching and learning tools.
The Digital Campus