Campus Technology Virtual Conference and Expo 2009:  Sessions


12:00 – 1:15

Panel Discussion: Beyond a Layering of Technology: Reforming Teaching and Learning Practice

Gary Brown, Director, Office of Assessment and Innovation, Washington State University, Joanne Humbert, Director of Academic Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Eddie Maloney, Director of Research and Learning Technologies, Georgetown University
Moderator: Geoff Fletcher, Editorial Director, Campus Technology
Some educators have made the case that even after years of integration, technology is still just being layered on top of existing courses and programs without any real revision of curricula or of the teaching and learning practice. Our panelists offer their observations of selected technology application initiatives that have the potential of truly reforming teaching and learning programs and practices to both take better advantage of technology and to reflect the new ways in which people work and learn.


1:15 - 2:30

Five Elements of Exceptional Technology Enhanced Learning

Stephen Laster, Chief Information Officer, Harvard Business School
As world economies continue to face uncertainty, the opportunity for high-quality and cost-effective eLearning has never been greater. Stephen Laster will share how to “get back to basics” and concentrate on creating instructionally sound experiences that leverage the power and reach of today’s collaborative technologies. Through thoughtful design, we can collectively deliver on the true potential of the apex of teaching, learning and technology.
Track: New Media for Instruction


2:30 – 3:00

SunGard Higher Education: Helping Make Learning Happen

Darren Wesemann, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Product Officer and Allyson Wells, General Manager, SunGard Higher Education
Colleges and universities are looking for more flexibility to shape how technology meets their evolving needs. That’s why SunGard Higher Education has introduced the Open Digital Campus, our vision for delivering flexible, efficient, and innovative solutions faster and more cost-effectively. Join us to see how next generation technologies, on-demand software and services, and alternative delivery models work together to transform how we teach, learn, manage, and connect.

Live Q&A Chat following the presentation hosted by SunGard Higher Education in the Networking Lounge from 3:00 – 3:30 p.m.



3:00 - 4:15

Lessons and Outcomes from University of Minnesota's Future Classrooms

Jeremy Todd, Interim Director of the Office of Classroom Management, Aimee Whiteside, Research Fellow and Linda Jorn, Director of the Digital Media Center, University of Minnesota
Are you looking to the future in classroom design? The University of Minnesota did just that by constructing two pilot classrooms designed as student-centered, integrated, flexible learning spaces. Goals of the pilot included stimulating interest in innovative classrooms, demonstrating new flexible classroom construction techniques and formal faculty and student assessment of new classroom designs and pedagogy. Come hear the lessons learned, outcomes and pedagogical impact of these forward-looking classrooms.
Track: Learning Infrastructure


4:45 - 6:00

Immersive Technology Platform Standards: Sharing Your World

Aaron E. Walsh, Director, Grid Institute and Boston College Faculty, Julian Lombardi, Assistant Vice President for Academic Services and Research Support, Office of Information Technology at Duke University, John Lester, Strategist and Evangelist, Second Life, Linden Labs, and Jordan Slott, Staff Engineer, Sun Microsystems
As institutions venture onto new virtual ground, they focus on the immersive experiences they are opening up to their students. But how will institutions share their work in immersive education more generally, and how do they know that their development efforts can be leveraged in the future? This session examines emerging standards for immersive environments, and considers the issues technology and academic leaders on campus should consider as they explore the amazing opportunities of immersive education.
Track: Web 2.0 and Social Software