Campus Cloud Computing
Higher Education and the Cloud


  • HPC: Rent or Buy?

    Researchers who need to process vast amounts of data can buy an HPC cluster or rent a cloud-based solution. Increasingly, though, scholars are opting for a third, hybrid option.

  • Size Matters: How Consortia Get Better Cloud Deals

    For cloud implementations, consortia can do much of the heavy lifting when it comes to due diligence and contract negotiations--and they can save schools a lot of money.

An iPad for Your Thoughts

Is there an IT issue in higher education that  isn’t receiving the attention it deserves? Tell us about it and you could win a free iPad 2, courtesy of Adobe. To be eligible, submit your compelling story idea to [email protected] by Dec. 15, using the subject line “iPad Please.” Campus Technology will award the iPad 2 to the entrant with the best concept and then cover the topic in a future issue. So, what’s on your mind?



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