News Update
Breaking Stories in Higher Ed 12/13/2018


  • Report: Data Challenges and Retention Offer Barriers to Equity in CS Education

    A new report from the Association for Computing Machinery asks whether there's anything to be done for the lack of diversity in the tech field, which seems to arise in high school and college and percolate into the workforce from there. The research project called on university representatives and industry experts to examine questions of diversity in computer science. They offered two big conclusions: First, retention in CS is a major issue; and, second, data collection about retention in CS is poor.

  • 'Frontier Set' Schools Share 5 Secrets of Student Success

    A new report outlines five broad themes that 31 institutional participants have found will make a difference in increasing student success in college and eliminating attainment gaps. Those key ingredients are: having a "student-centered mission"; the use of data to inform decision-making; maintaining a "collaborative, empowered environment"; a commitment to continual improvement; and establishing goals and milestones as a form of accountability.


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