AR/VR, IoT and Mobile Technologies for the Untethered Educator 11/10/2020


  • Virtual Education Platform Emulates Face-to-Face Interactions

    Champlain College is piloting a new virtual education platform that allows students and instructors to interact online much like they would in physical spaces. Conceived by Narine Hall, a data science and machine learning professor at the college, and recently formed as a private company, InSpace is "designed to mirror the fluid, personal and interactive nature of a real classroom," according to a news announcement.

  • Mixed Reality Medical App Gets Remote Treatment

    The company that produces HoloPatient has developed a remote version for pandemic-era teaching. GigXR's original HoloPatient allows medical and nursing students to interact with a holographic patient via virtual and augmented reality. The new HoloPatient Remote is intended to provide students with safe and physically distanced versions of that immersion as a replacement for normal clinical studies.

  • California State U Signs 23-Campus Site License for Virtual Science Labs

    California State University has signed a site license with Labster, giving each of its 23 campuses the option of using the company's 159 virtual laboratory simulations.



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