Campus Technology | 21st Century Campus
AV & Interactive Technologies for Higher Education


  • For a Better Flipped Class, Try MOOCs

    Innovative faculty are running MOOCs and flipped-format on-campus courses on the same schedule and having the two groups interact online — with interesting results.



  • Research: When it Comes to Visual Activities, Video Gamers Learn Faster

    Score one for gamers. An experiment at Brown University has found a correlation between people who frequently play video games and their ability to retain learning about two quickly learned visual activities.

  • Adult Ed Lagging Way Behind in Tech Use

    While schools have placed a great deal of attention on technology in the classroom, one instructional segment that has been left behind, it appears, is adult education. Although 86 percent of adult education administrators and practitioners said they believe that technology solutions can "effectively support" adult education, only 54 percent of students in those programs always have access on site to computers for instructional purposes. Another 36 percent have only "occasional" access, and the bulk of the remainder have even less, according to a new report from Tyton Partners.


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