Web 2.0
New Applications and Strategies for .edu

The Buzz

  • ePortfolios, the Harvesting Gradebook, Accountability, and Community

    The classroom wall is falling: Employers are now assessing student work in progress at Washington State University... Imagine inviting colleagues in your field to help assess your students during the semester, and rating what kind of job in the field the students are ready for based on their work while still in school. And imagine how your students would see the ultimate hiring decision that used to seem so distant and vague.More

Weighing In

  • Info Glut: Academia's Foundational Threat

    The great problem our culture faces right now, in all ways, is glut--importantly, including info glut. We need a new science of information conservation whose experts would devise methods and systems to rid ourselves of 95 percent of the daily information smog in which we are enveloped. More

News and Products