CT Insider
Trends and Analysis in Higher Education Technology
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  • AI in Education: Will We Need Humans Anymore?

    ChatGPT is groundbreaking, but it's also merely the first in what will likely be a series of innovations built on foundational developments in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing that are going to change the world. We spoke with Mark Schneider, director of the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences, about how AI is transforming education and the evolving role of humans in an AI-powered future.




Professional Resources

How CSU Global Designs for Inclusive Online Education from the Start

college student working on laptop

The Campus Technology Insider podcast talks to CSU Global about the importance of designing courses for accessibility from the start, ways to engage students online, and how inclusive design ultimately serves all students. Listen to the podcast.


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Campus Technology Insider offers readers the best our magazine has to offer. Each issue contains select articles chosen by the editors for their appeal to readers and for their significance in advancing the mission of education technology in higher education. Campus Technology Insider is published monthly.