News Update
Breaking Stories in Higher Ed
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  • Cal Poly Pomona Launches AI and Innovation Center

    In an effort to advance AI innovation, foster community engagement, and prepare students for careers in STEM fields and business, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona has teamed up with AI, cloud, and advisory services provider Avanade to launch a new Avanade AI & Innovation Center.



Professional Resources

How an AI-Powered Admissions Modernization Effort Kicked Off a Data Transformation Journey at Illinois Tech

Join us for a live fireside chat:
Date: 3/19/25
Time: 11:00 AM PT
Sponsored by Quantiphi and AWS
Register Now

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Free Virtual Event: Tech Tactics in Education

Join us on May 7 for this interactive virtual event on key issues in AI, cybersecurity, and data.
Browse the Agenda

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More Optimism, Less Distrust: Educause's 2025 AI Landscape Study

The Campus Technology Insider podcast chats with Educause Senior Researcher Jenay Robert about insights from the Educause 2025 AI Landscape Study. Listen to the podcast.


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News Update is Campus Technology's flagship newsletter, covering the most timely issues related to all aspects of education technology, from stories about new technology tools and innovative technology programs in colleges and universities to policy updates, science and engineering news, technology trends, social issues, funding and grants and research related to education and technology. Published three days a week, it serves as a timely resource for administrative and academic IT leaders and provides in-depth, aggressive coverage of specific technologies, their uses and implementations on campus. Featured topics include advanced networking, administrative systems, portals, security, electronic publishing, communication solutions, presentation technologies, course management systems, technology infrastructure, and strategic IT planning -- all the important issues and trends for campus IT decision-makers.