Learning Environments
Tech, Tools & Learning Strategies for 21st Century Education
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From the Podcast Files

  • At ASU Online, Empathy Is the Foundation of Student Success

    At Arizona State University Online, student success coaches cultivate deep relationships with students as individuals, get to know their unique life experiences and challenges, and leverage data to better understand the multitude of factors that can impact retention. We spoke with Nicolette Miller, senior director of student success initiatives, about her team’s student-centered approach and what institutions should be doing to help students reach the finish line of their education.




Professional Resources

How Generative AI Will Enable Personalized Learning Experiences

robotic hand holding pen

The Campus Technology Insider podcast talks to Kim Round, associate dean of the Western Governors University School of Education, about the potential of technologies like ChatGPT for learning and the need for AI literacy skills. Listen to the podcast.


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From tech-infused classrooms to online courses and new, disruptive education models, higher education learning environments come in an infinite array of shapes and sizes. Campus Technology Learning Environments covers the intersection of technology and learning in today's colleges and universities and the tools, trends and pedagogies shaping student success. Each issue offers case studies, tips and best practices for instructional technologists, AV professionals, technology-using faculty and IT leaders focused on higher education's core mission of teaching and learning. Published weekly.