Learning Environments
Tech, Tools & Learning Strategies for 21st Century Education
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  • Offering Online Students a Front Row Learning Experience

    At some point in our academic careers, most of us have found ourselves stuck in the back of an overcrowded lecture hall. Too far from the presenter to see or hear much of anything, it wasn't long before we lost interest, started on other work, or took a nap. Anyone sitting in those first few rows may have been enlightened and inspired, but for the rest of us, the class was less than productive. Higher education has set out to change that.


From the Podcast Files

  • Serving Adult Learners with Flexibility, Stackable Credentials, and Data

    As a predominately online institution geared toward serving adult students, University of Massachusetts Global is rethinking traditional models of education to embrace the flexibility and career relevance that working learners need. We spoke with Dr. David Andrews, chancellor of UMass Global, about developing a new credentialing ecosystem, listening to student and industry needs, and the data infrastructure that can really support student success.



Spaces4Learning Spotlight


Professional Resources

A Security Operations Center Powered by Students

robotic hand holding pen

The Campus Technology Insider podcast talks to Ernest Pringle, vice chancellor for IT and CIO at University of South Carolina Aiken, about creating a student-led SOC and helping students put cybersecurity theory into practice. Listen to the podcast.


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From tech-infused classrooms to online courses and new, disruptive education models, higher education learning environments come in an infinite array of shapes and sizes. Campus Technology Learning Environments covers the intersection of technology and learning in today's colleges and universities and the tools, trends and pedagogies shaping student success. Each issue offers case studies, tips and best practices for instructional technologists, AV professionals, technology-using faculty and IT leaders focused on higher education's core mission of teaching and learning. Published weekly.