Learning Environments
Tech, Tools & Learning Strategies for 21st Century Education
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  • 7 Questions on Experiential Learning at Indiana U

    Advertising students at the Indiana University School of Media have the opportunity to work on real-world projects for big-name clients such as Adobe and Microsoft, honing their skills as they solve complex marketing problems and craft messages for a target audience.


From the Podcast Files

  • How CSU Global Designs for Inclusive Online Education from the Start

    Digital accessibility is central to instructional design practice at Colorado State University Global. The fully online, accredited nonprofit state institution strives to achieve universal design standards in all of its programs, and to make courses accessible to a wide range of learners. We spoke with Associate Vice President of Digital Learning Andrea Butler and Director of Instructional Design Diona Hartwig about the importance of designing for accessibility from the start, ways to engage students in the online environment, and how inclusive design ultimately serves all students.



Spaces4Learning Spotlight


Professional Resources

The Mechanics of Digital Transformation at National University

robotic hand holding pen

The Campus Technology Insider podcast talks to Alex Chimon, chief digital officer at National University, about NU's key digital transformation goals, the impact of AI on Dx efforts, overcoming fear of change, and more. Listen to the podcast.


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From tech-infused classrooms to online courses and new, disruptive education models, higher education learning environments come in an infinite array of shapes and sizes. Campus Technology Learning Environments covers the intersection of technology and learning in today's colleges and universities and the tools, trends and pedagogies shaping student success. Each issue offers case studies, tips and best practices for instructional technologists, AV professionals, technology-using faculty and IT leaders focused on higher education's core mission of teaching and learning. Published weekly.