Learning Environments
Tech, Tools & Learning Strategies for 21st Century Education
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  • War of the Hybrid Worlds 2024: Going Where We've Never Gone Before

    The global pandemic thrust online teaching to the forefront. Online enrollments rose while campus enrollments declined. Is face-to-face teaching doomed? Will virtual campuses be the norm? Is there no middle ground?

  • Tapping into AI Across Every Part of the University

    Touro University has embarked on a system-wide initiative to incorporate artificial intelligence into all of its programs — not only in teaching and learning, but also across research, operations, and policy. We spoke with Dr. Shlomo Argamon, Touro's recently appointed associate provost for AI, about his role, the importance of AI in higher education, how to prepare students for the new world of AI in the workforce, and more.




Professional Resources

How AI Is Forging Connections Across Campus for a Seamless Student Experience

Join us for a live fireside chat:
Date: 6/20/24
Time: 11:00 AM PT
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. . .

Inside Arizona State University's OpenAI Partnership

graduation cap and diploma

The Campus Technology Insider podcast speaks with Arizona State University CIO Lev Gonick about his institution's collaboration with OpenAI to explore the potential of ChatGPT in education. Listen to the podcast.


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From tech-infused classrooms to online courses and new, disruptive education models, higher education learning environments come in an infinite array of shapes and sizes. Campus Technology Learning Environments covers the intersection of technology and learning in today's colleges and universities and the tools, trends and pedagogies shaping student success. Each issue offers case studies, tips and best practices for instructional technologists, AV professionals, technology-using faculty and IT leaders focused on higher education's core mission of teaching and learning. Published weekly.