IMS Global Debuts Learning Analytics Platform

Non-profit learning consortium IMS Global has released its Caliper Learning Analytics Framework and Sensor API. The open standards-based platform is designed to help schools better collect, evaluate, and measure student data from disparate learning applications.

"The current state of the education ecosystem is data is highly fragmented and siloed within the various applications, thus making it hard for institutions to establish a unified and consistent view of learning activity to compare and contrast," explained IMS Global Chief Executive Rob Abel, in a company statement. The platform uses the IMS LTI standard and an extensible application-specific framework to capture and analyze student data from multiple sources.

Caliper features a set of standard metrics, including "Predictive Analytics Reporting (PAR) framework’s data models, Common Core Standards, and CAS standards for student developmental and learning outcomes." The goal of bringing these standards together within a single platform is to provide a common yardstick for measuring student learning experiences.

IMS Global developed Caliper and Sensor based on input from a number of institutions and technology providers, including "Pennsylvania State University, Oracle, CourseSmart, Desire2Learn, McGraw-Hill Education, Intellify Solutions, SAFARI Montage, Global Scholar, CETIS, Hawkes Learning, and LoudCloud Systems."

The company will present Caliper at its quarterly meeting schedule to take place November 4-7, 2013 in Redwood Shores, CA. Institutions and organizations can petition to participate in the continued development of Caliper by contacting IMS Global.

About the Author

Kanoe Namahoe is online editor for 1105 Media's Education Group. She can be reached at [email protected].
