Student Services



  • How CSU Global Designs for Inclusive Online Education from the Start

    Digital accessibility is central to instructional design practice at Colorado State University Global. The fully online, accredited nonprofit state institution strives to achieve universal design standards in all of its programs, and to make courses accessible to a wide range of learners. We spoke with Associate Vice President of Digital Learning Andrea Butler and Director of Instructional Design Diona Hartwig about the importance of designing for accessibility from the start, ways to engage students in the online environment, and how inclusive design ultimately serves all students.



  • 4 Causes of Student Disengagement (& How to Overcome Them)

    With both student satisfaction and enrollment rates at risk, it’s clear that institutions of higher education need a game-changing strategy to improve the student experience. Read about the common factors sabotaging institutions’ efforts to reach their students and craft experiences that attract, retain, and enroll students.