Mobile Computing >> Imagination on the Move
As mobile computing becomes more and more prevalent, a handful of colleges
and universities are coming up with the next generation of campus solutions.
It wasn't that long
ago that the phrase 'mobile computing' captured the imagination of
academic IT administrators everywhere. In the back corners of server rooms,
these technologists daydreamed about the joys of computing without the tether of
an Ethernet cable. Common fantasies included sending e-mails from a courtyard,
listening to achived lectures on portable digital media players, and receiving
text-message notifications about a cancelled class. Someday they thought, it
will happen ...
That day has come sooner than just about everybody expected. Today, mobile
computing is as common on US campuses as pizza deliveries. As it becomes more
prevalent, a handful of institutions—UCLA, Georgetown
University (DC), Seton Hall University (NJ) and Carnegie
Mellon University (PA)—are proving that it’s never too late to innovate
and try a new spin on a standard technology.
Wireless with a Kick
If mobile computing were included in Major League Baseball’s new anti-steroid
policy, somebody might have to investigate the new wireless network at UCLA’s
Anderson School of Management. There, with the help of vendor 5G Wireless Communications
technologists recently set up a solution so powerful that they had to devise
a creative way to turn it off during class. The effort began in early 2004,
when the class of 2003 gifted the professional school with money to fund a wireless
network to cover a courtyard and café. Eric Crane, Network Infrastructure, Security,
and Server manager, set out immediately to find the best equipment at the lowest
price. Just as he was about to sign up for 60 or 70 access points from a major
provider, 5G came in and made an offer that blew him away.
The 5G offer hinged on coverage. The Anderson School boasts five four-story
buildings, and 5G was able to cover 85 percent of the space with a G-Force Base
Station—one access point on a pole, or mast, atop one of them. To ensure the
highest Quality of Service (QoS) for the remaining 15 percent, 5G also installed
five additional access points in hard-to-reach places around campus. Neither
Crane nor Doug Fox, director of Business Development at 5G, will reveal what
the implementation cost, but both say the six access points cost far less than
60 or 70 would have cost from the big guys. Crane adds that the biggest savings
has been in maintenance; instead of having to maintain five or six dozen access
points, staffers at Anderson Computing and Information Services (ACIS) need
only worry about six, freeing them up to extinguish IT fires elsewhere on campus.
“We wanted a way to do mobile computing quickly and affordably,” explains
Crane. “For us, the answer was wireless-enabling the campus with a solution that
made sense.”
To keep students focused during class, technologists installed low-power
access points in classrooms at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management,
and gave them the same name as the outside network. They fired up the
access points, but left them unconnected to the network at large, creating a
“dead zone” of connectivity inside each classroom. A key part of
the school’s mobile computing plan is about limiting mobility in certain spots.
Perhaps the biggest challenge in enabling mobile computing at Anderson has
been keeping it under control. Once the access points went live, faculty members
requested that ACIS disable wireless in their classrooms to ensure that students
pay attention during lectures. Crane and his staff spent weeks figuring out
how to do this; finally, a team of technologists from 5G suggested a brilliant
idea to keep students focused. First, the technologists installed low-power
access points in each of the school’s 14 classrooms. Next, they gave these access
points the same name as the outside network. Finally, with the help of ACIS,
the technologists fired up the access points, but left them unconnected to the
network at large, essentially creating a “dead zone” of connectivity inside
each classroom.
Today, the system works by befuddling student operating
systems. When students bring their laptops to class, their computers
automatically attempt to connect to the strongest wireless signal. This signal,
however, is not actually connected to the Internet at all—in the immediate
vicinity of the classroom, it g'es nowhere. And unless students have
sophisticated hacker-type tools, there’s virtually no way for them to
reconfigure their wireless cards to pick up other, weaker signals from this
classroom environment. As soon as they leave the classroom, however, the dead
zone signal disappears, and students can connect to the regular wireless network
without a problem. “It’s ironic, but a key part of our mobile computing plan is
this technology to limit mobility in certain spots,” says Crane. “Lucky for us,
the whole thing works great.”
Mobility of Content
Officials at Georgetown University have taken a different approach to mobile
computing; at Georgetown, efforts focus on the mobility of information and incorporating
technology such as podcasting and text messaging. Through a new, homegrown content
management system named Explore, technologists have put content “in motion”
by liberating it from static repositories such as Web pages, and allowing it
to flourish in a more fluid and flexible database. According to Robert Michael
Murray,director of Technology Strategy and Development, the approach has worked
wonders, and the university is getting more life out of content than ever before.
What’s more, students and other constituents have become truly mobile, wirelessly
accessing and exchanging information with the network, both on campus and off.
The Explore endeavor began in 2001, when Murray and other Georgetown officials
grew weary of seeing useful content waste away on Web pages that nobody visited.
Murray and University Webmaster Piet Niederhausen put together a team to draw
up a concept for a Web-based database that would allow for files of many shapes
and sizes, in almost every conceivable file language. Rather than tie these
files to individual objects, however, the database was designed to store them
freely, and utilize eXtensible Markup Language (XML) to deliver them on demand
in real time, to just about any kind of device, in virtually any form or format
a user requested. Last year, after rigorous testing and a variety of trials,
the content management system went live to rave reviews from Georgetown students
and faculty users alike.
“With wireless networks virtually everywhere, we didn’t doubt that users would
engage in mobile computing,” says Murray. “For us, the missing piece was making
sure our content was as mobile as the technology itself; making sure we could
send any piece [of content] to any device in any place at any time.”
One way students hope to take advantage of this system is by using iPods and
other digital media players to access archived audio files of lectures and other
events. Murray says that a small group of professors are looking into the possibility
of recording lectures and making them available for download through the Explore
database. Recently, these capabilities were extended to another genre of audio
content: archived installments of the Georgetown University Forum, a periodic
radio program that highlights faculty research. Today, students and other campus
users can access these files within their Web browsers, download them to computers
in the normal fashion, or access them through an XML feed for “podcasting” on
digital media players or MP3-enabled cellular phones.
Georgetown officials also have tweaked the new system to modernize the university’s
approach to emergency preparedness. In the past, the school notified students
of campus closures via flyers, or word-of-mouth. Now, thanks to Explore, campus
status changes are syndicated across the Georgetown Web site to high-traffic
Web pages. Murray explains that his office has optimized the ability to manage
these notifications from a Blackberry device. As a result, the updates can be
changed from anywhere in the world. Later this year, he adds, the next steps
of the project will allow emergency messages to be delivered via Short Message
Service (SMS) on the campus cable network, fully utilizing the open-framework
architecture of Explore.
Strategizing Mobility
After pilot projects in mobile computing from 1995 to 1997, Seton Hall University
rolled out a full-scale laptop program in 1998. The effort, known formally as
the Mobile Computing Program, was a standard- fare laptop initiative: Starting
that year, all freshmen were required to have a portable PC. The school purchased
IBM ( ThinkPad
laptops and leased them to students at a discount. To counterbalance the expense
for students at need, Seton Hall officials increased the pool of financial aid
and gave priority to those who qualified. By 2001, every student on campus went
through the program and bought a new laptop. Coupled with the school’s growing
wireless network, the laptops facilitated computing from just about anywhere
on the school’s South Orange campus. On the surface, everything was great.
Behind the scenes, however, CIO Stephen Landry says that technology officials
knew they had to take additional steps to ensure that students used the laptops
as part of their everyday experiences. The first approach to this strategic
enforcement of mobile computing was what Landry calls “curricular integration,”
an effort to support and encourage faculty to integrate the use of laptops in
the curriculum. At the center of this endeavor is the Teaching, Learning, and
Technology (TLT) Center, a multi-disciplinary facility that financially
motivates educators to build entire lessons around laptops: The center doles
out a total of $250,000 in multi-year grants to academic departments willing
to redesign core courses around mobile technology. Paul Fisher, the center’s
director, says the grants are some of the most sought-after dollars on campus
At Georgetown, a database was designed to store content freely,
and utilize XML to deliver it on demand in real time, to just about any
kind of device, in virtually any form or format a user requested. For
Georgetown, the missing mobile computing piece was making sure
that content was as mobile as the technology itself.
“The whole idea was to inspire our faculty and department heads to use mobile
technology to improve student learning,” says Fisher, who notes that the center
also rewards Faculty Innovation Grants of up to $5,000, for individual educators
who embrace mobility. “We wanted to make sure we weren’t just handing out an
expensive word processor.”
Faculty-centered incentives weren’t Seton Hall’s
only approach to solidifying mobile computing on campus: Landry and his colleagues
launched an internal marketing effort aimed at students, too. For starters,
through a special laptop group within the IT department, the university set
up a number of support services such as maintenance and repair. Next, the school
mandated that all freshmen take a skills class called “University Life” in their
first semester on campus. While this class g'es over basics such as studying
effectively and saying no to drugs, it also includes several hours of tutorials
on how to use the ThinkPads, how to connect to the wireless network, and how
to keep anti-virus software up-to-date. Though most students term the class
“cheesy,” Landry says it works wonders, nearly eliminating help desk requests
from first-time users.
The final leg of the strategy to ensure the success of Seton Hall’s mobile
computing effort is a system of checks and balances dubbed the Mobile Computing
Assessment Program. The program, designed in 1998 to provide prompt feedback
to the planning team, consists of an annual survey administered to a random
sample of undergrads at the school. Survey items and their analysis are managed
by a team of faculty members, administrators, and technologists. After every
survey, the team shares results with the campus community and the larger educational
community, via conferences and publications. Clearly, something’s working: by
the 2003 survey, 89 percent of 275 responding students reported that they were
“satisfied or very satisfied” with the use of mobile IT in their courses.
Technologists have seen the future of mobile computing at Carnegie Mellon University,
and that future revolves around smartphones that actually are smart. You know
the smartphone: any handheld device that integrates personal information management
and mobile phone capabilities. At CMU, however, researchers under the leadership
of Professor Asim Smailagic have developed a mobile, wearable system that is
one part PDA, one part cell phone, and one part virtual secretary—it can screen
calls and send them to voicemail if the user is in the middle of a class or
important meeting. The system, dubbed SenSay (for “sen”sing and “say”ing), is
currently in pilot phase at the university’s Pittsburgh campus, and could be
implemented on a broader basis as soon as next year.
At Carnegie Mellon University, researchers have developed a mobile,
wearable system that is one part PDA, one part cell phone, and one part
virtual secretary. By “sensing” the wearer’s environment and
say, if the user is in the middle of a class or important meeting—it can
screen calls and send them to voicemail.
Smailagic bills the portable system as a “context-aware” mobile phone. It consists
of an ordinary mobile phone, a sensor box mounted on a user’s hip, and voice
and ambient microphones mounted somewhere near the user’s neck. The microphones
record sounds in the user’s environment (including the user’s own voice), and
software in the sensor box analyzes the data to determine what kind of situation
the user is in. After comparing this data with a certain set of rules, the software
decides what to do with the call. If, for instance, the program determines that
the user is in a lecture or meeting, all incoming calls are sent immediately
to voicemail. If, on the other hand, the program determines that a user is in
the middle of a conversation, calls ring through in silent mode, vibrating to
notify the user that someone’s on the line.
smart phones are smarter than elsewhere:
the 'SenSay devices screen calls and even clam up during classes. |
“The way we see it, this research takes mobile computing to the next level,”
says Smailagic, who predicts the system will retail for $200 when it hits the
general market. “Instead of having to worry about interrupting students in a
particular environment, the phone d'es all of the thinking for them.”
Down the road, Smailagic hopes to network SenSay systems into the school’s
wireless network, and create a plug-in application that expands the context
for these context-aware tools. Specifically, researchers are working on ways
to enable SenSay units to interface with user course schedules and Global Positioning
System (GPS) maps of campus.
Under this expanded approach, the system will rely
even less on its microphone inputs; if a student is sitting in a lecture hall,
or his course schedule indicates that he is in a lecture, the phone system will
assume the student is busy and send calls to voicemail. While SenSay d'esn’t
account for a user’s free will, it certainly would enable responsible students
who don’t skip class to focus on learning. In the end, at least in higher education,
that’s what mobile computing is all about.
Step up to Smart
One of the largest private institutions
in the nation,
New York University is currently innovating through
mobility. Case in point: the school’s “smart podia,” a variety of pedestals that
enable professors to access and utilize lecture materials from any folder on the
campus network.
The devices, which are set up in only certain classrooms, essentially are stationary
networked computers equipped with all of the latest in presentation technology.
From them, professors and lecturers can log into Web-based storage folders,
access notes, PowerPoint slides, or other support materials, and control the
flow of a presentation with the click of a button. Because the podia are connected
to the campus network, they eliminate the need for users to lug laptops or note
folders to class.
Marilyn McMillan, associate provost and chief information
technology officer, says the podia are amalgamations of products from a number
of different vendors, and notes that on top of standard wireless computing, they
are one way in which NYU utilizes mobility to improve the life of its
constituents. “[The podia] certainly make everyone’s lives easier,” she says.
“When it comes to mobility, having a certain number of worthwhile technologies
g'es a long way.”