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AAEEBL’s 2nd Annual ePortfolio World Summit Call For Proposals Open Through Jan. 28

This year, The Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL), known as the “home for the world ePortfolio community,” will hold its 2011 annual conference July 25-28, again co-located with Campus Technology 2011 at the Seaport World Trade Center and Seaport Hotel in Boston. AAEEBL’s co-sponsors for the 2011 event are The Association of American Colleges and Universities and The Northeast Regional Computing Program (NERCOMP).

The 2011 AAEEBL conference, titled “Portfolios: Supporting Self-Directed Learning in a Global Knowledge Economy,” is seeking relevant session proposals for peer review. There is a new option this year of also submitting a paper for peer review to The International Journal of ePortfolio, a publication affiliated with AAEEBL.

The program committee indicates that it is looking for proposals that analyze portfolio implementations, including the reasons for the implementation, along with notable results and models or information that might be replicated or of value to applications on other campuses. Conference tracks include:

• Longitudinal (life-long): Curricular cohesion and articulation; transition/transfer; recognition of prior learning (RPL); Portfolios in K-12 (primary and secondary)

• Reflection: Reflective and integrative thinking over a course, curriculum, career

• Employability: Learning outcomes; achievement; competencies, VET (vocational and educational training); managing and presenting evidence

• Institutional: Curricular reform; strategies for getting “buy-in;” faculty development; assessment

An interesting consideration for submitting a proposal to the AAEEBL conference this year is that AAEEBL is, along with other organizations, in the process of developing a new scholarly field they consider to be a branch of The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, so proposals reflecting SOTL inquiry may be of particular relevance (learn more about SOTL at the ISSOTL Web site).

Session formats vary; details for AAEEBL’s CFP are available online. The deadline for submissions to AAEEBL for this event is Jan. 28, 2011.

About the Author

Mary Grush is Editor and Conference Program Director, Campus Technology.

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