Campus Cafe

Powered By: Cisco Citrix NetApp

Join the Conversation about the Next Generation Learning Space

Thin Client Computing

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NetApp, Citrix and Cisco cordially invite you to be a part of the discussions as today’s technologies give birth to a powerfully flexible, anytime, anywhere environment that allows students and faculty to advance their educational experiences to the next level.
Imagine a simpler, faster, more secure way to access and share information. One that enables virtual access, leverages the latest in mobile devices, adapts to changes as fast as necessary, transforms traditional desktop computing and easily scales to handle growth.
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  • Thin Client Computing PDF screen shot

    While minimalism in computing has been around since the 1990s, the concept only recently has hit its stride: Computer devices that only carry out essential applications, or "thin clients", have a longer operational life span, cut energy use and are less expensive to purchase and maintain. As the phenomenon of software as a service gains traction, in fact, thin clients are already replacing desktop PCs in many government, commercial and educational settings. Learn more in this white paper "Thin Client Computing: Providing Solutions and Dispelling Myths". Download PDF

  • University of San Diego Manages Skyrocketing Data Growth with NetApp PDF screen shot

    The University of San Diego needed to accommodate their accelerated growth and make IT services more efficient. The University consolidated data storage on NetApp systems and used Cisco Catalyst switches to create a resilient, cost-effective virtualized infrastructure which reduced storage costs, accelerated development and testing activities, and enhanced data protection. Download PDF

  • Deliver the New Education Virtual Workspace with Cisco VXI PDF screen shot

    The meaning of "going to college" is changing. While higher education is more important than ever, the idea that the classroom or lecture hall serves as the primary educational venue is being uprooted. Download this whitepaper to see how you can begin to virtualize resources to deliver consistent learning experiences, regardless of device or location. Download PDF

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Next Gen Learning: Video

  • Cisco VXI Video Screenshot

    The need for anytime, anywhere access is extremely prevalent today in any learning and working environment. Learn how Cisco's VXI can help you stay connected. View Now
    File Type: .MOV  |  File Size: 28.6 MB

CiscoFor schools and higher education leaders who seek innovative approaches to transforming education, Cisco's Connected Learning portfolio of products, services, and solutions enables you to improve student outcomes, increase efficiency, enhance safety and security and expand research capabilities. The end-to-end systems approached offered by Cisco VXI delivers desktop virtualization and virtual workspaces that provide a superior desktop, voice and video user experience. Cisco VXI reduces risk and simplifies deployments through a validated and fully tested system that combines data center, network and collaboration architectures together with services, support and partner technologies.

About the Sponsors

Citrix Citrix Systems, Inc. is a leading provider of virtual computing solutions that help K-12 and higher education institutions deliver IT as an on-demand service. Founded in 1989, Citrix combines virtualization, networking, and cloud computing technologies into a full portfolio of products that enable virtual work styles for students and faculty and virtual datacenters for IT.

NetAppNetApp is committed to delivering the most efficient, cost-effective storage and data management solutions to meet educational institutions' critical infrastructure needs. Our solutions cut IT costs in half, use up to 80% less storage than competitors, and accelerate projects and programs by enabling storage administrators to deploy entire infrastructures in minutes instead of weeks—without sacrificing performance or availability. Of course, less storage means reduced power, cooling, and space costs. You can meet green initiatives while saving money. NetApp delivers reliable solutions. A 2008 IDC study proved NetApp storage systems achieve greater than 99.999% availability in field-measured uptime. In addition, disaster recovery, backup, and compliance services are all built into a single storage platform and available on demand. You can backup data in minutes and recover it in seconds. NetApp thin provisioning allows you to grow and shrink storage volumes to meet the exact needs for every department or application—without disrupting operations or wasting storage.