What Are They Thinking:

Leadership Insights on Issues in Educational Technology

The proliferation of mobile devices and the push toward collaborative learning in today's universities has presented new security challenges for IT departments. How do universities ensure the security of their infrastructure while fulfilling the needs of new learning initiatives? Campus Technology spoke with three universities and a security vendor SonicWALL to get their insight.


headshot_morton matt

Matt Morton

Security Project Consultant

University of Nebraska at Omaha
headshot_bowen kyle

Kyle Bowen

Director of Informatics for Information Technology

headshot_hatch joy

Joy Hatch

Vice Chancellor, Information Technology Services

Virginia Community College System
headshot_sebastian richard

Dr. Richard Sebastian

Director of Teaching and Learning Technologies

Virginia Community College System

Supporting Safe and Effective Digital Learning

File Type: .PDF | File Size: 881 KB | Duration: 8 Pages

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Case Studies:

  • Berry College Case Study PDF screen shot

    Download this whitepaper to see how Berry College used SonicWALL's E-Class Network Security Appliance (NSA) E6500 Next-Generation Firewall to have greater insight into application traffic, more granular bandwidth control along with significant savings through consolidation. Download PDF

  • Tuskegee University Case Study PDF screen shot

    See how Tuskegee University used SonicWALL's E-Class NSA E7500 to overcome their firewall challenges and malware and phising attacks which resulted in higher performance throughput, greater security, enhanced mobility support along with an increased ROI through consolidation. Download PDF

  • SUNY College at Old Westbury Case Study PDF screen shot

    Learn how Next-Generation Firewalls enabled SUNY at Old Westbury to regain control of and secure their application-centric networks while at the same time, lowering associated costs. Download PDF

Other Free Resources:


  1. What does collaboration mean for today’s digital learner and why is it important?
  2. What is the role of anytime, anywhere learning in higher education?
  3. What are the top three challenges facing colleges and universities that are trying to implement an effective, safe and secure 21st century learning environment?
  4. What are the biggest mistakes you’ve seen institutions make in securing their networks for digital learning?
  5. What advice do you have for campuses wanting to create a secure infrastructure that will ensure safe and effective 21st century learning?

Other Featured Downloads:

  • Ebook: Smart Security for Escalating Challenges

    Download this eBook from SonicWALL to see how next-generation firewalls ease management issues spanning a multi-dimensional landscape of rapidly evoloving threats, application-related issues and bandwidth hurdles.

  • Securing Information in Higher Education Organizations

    Several security challenges have been popping up in higher education today with the explosive adoption of mobile technologies. Download this solution brief to see how SonicWALL can help address these challenges.

  • The Promises and Pitfalls of BYOD

    New security threats and feature-rich applications such as social networking and mobile devices can introduce security challenges, productivity and bandwidth drains into your organization This eBook points toward potential solutions in “Smart Security for Escalating Challenges.”

About SonicWALL

Guided by its vision of Dynamic Security for the Global Network, SonicWALL® develops advanced intelligent network security and data protection solutions that adapt as organizations evolve and as threats evolve. Trusted by small and large enterprises worldwide, SonicWALL solutions are designed to detect and control applications and protect networks from intrusions and malware attacks through award-winning hardware, software and virtual appliance-based solutions. SonicWALL offers a massively scalable architecture to address the rapid increase in bandwidth speeds and escalating volume, frequency and sophistication of Internet threats. Moreover, SonicWALL drives the cost and complexity out of building and running secure infrastructures, thus enabling greater productivity and IT efficiencies.