How to Achieve a Safe and Secure Learning Environment in Higher Education

Higher education is undergoing a transformation brought on by new information technologies. Educators are bringing these tools to the classroom to enrich the learning experience, while administrators are finding new ways to optimize and drive efficiencies in university operations.  For our part, Dell SonicWALL is focused on delivering a safe and secure environment that will allow higher education institutions to realize the promise of the 21st century campus.

White Papers, Case Studies, & Solution Briefs

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Tuskegee University Boosts WAN Performance and ROI with Dell SonicWALL: White Paper

See how Tuskegee University used Dell SonicWALL's E-Class NSA E7500 to overcome their firewall challenges and malware and phising attacks which resulted in higher performance throughput, greater security, enhanced mobility support along with an increased ROI through consolidation.

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Cyber Resilience in Education: White Paper

Multi-faceted environments require assessment, detection, and responses on multiple fronts. New cybersecurity strategies offer new hope for educational environments. Download today to learn more!

How to Improve Student Communication and Engagement with AI: White Paper

AI-enhanced engagement platforms connect students with the right information at the right time. Download to learn the top benefits and questions to ask providers before deciding on an AI tool!

7 Key Considerations for Modernizing Identity Management in Higher Education: White Paper

Online/distance education, inter-institutional collaboration, cloud computing, teleworking and portable computing, federation, access from anywhere at any time, and many other business needs are challenging institutions of higher education to adapt or rebuild their Identity and Access Management (IAM) infrastructures. Download today to learn more!

What Will Secure Access Service Edge Do For Your Campus? : White Paper

Here are five recommendations every IT leader in higher education should consider (and a few pitfalls to avoid) when planning and deploying a SASE solution. Download to learn more!

About Dell SonicWALL

Dell SonicWALL combined logoDell SonicWALL provides intelligent network security and data protection solutions that enable customers and partners to dynamically secure, control, and scale their global networks. Securing any organization with multi-threat scanning based on global input at wire speed, Dell SonicWALL is recognized as an industry leader by Gartner and NSS Labs.