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White Papers

Higher education white papers and case studies from our sponsors. Click a title to read more or download.

Solving IT Staffing Challenges with Managed Services

Historically, colleges and universities have taken a “do-it-yourself” approach to deploying and managing their network infrastructure. However, campus leaders are starting to rethink this method as they look for ways to solve for a shortage of IT talent.

Advancing Campus Network Security With Zero Trust

Rising cyberattacks, new federal requirements, and an evolving higher education landscape have pushed cybersecurity to the forefront for just about every college and university IT leader.

The Dark and Light Side of Artificial Intelligence

AI enhances not only the strength and effectiveness of cyber attackers today, but also the tools and methods used to defend against those attacks. As AI’s potential for good and bad rapidly evolves, higher education weighs AI’s risks and benefits while reshaping and prioritizing cybersecurity strategies to mitigate today’s threats.

Preparing to Protect the Future

Data protection in education has evolved from a line item to an evolving aspect of campus culture with multiple moving pieces. The variety and location of workloads and the criticality of each application and its data are vital components in assessing the levels of protection you need and how you handle recovery.

Juniper Takes Higher Education to the Next Level

A modern network infrastructure delivers high-quality educational experiences while streamlining processes and improving operations.

ROI Under Fire: Why Higher Education Will Outlast Every Threat

There’s so much about the current educational landscape that seems to call into question whether or not the post-graduation outcomes of higher education are worth the investment. Public trust in higher education is declining, tuition is rising, and technological and educational disruption leaves students considering alternative pathways.

It's Time to Get Modernization Moving Again

If outdated financial management systems are hindering institutional modernization efforts, technology offers a solution that streamlines administrative processes and improves the student and faculty experience.

Defending IT Talent

Few are paying attention to the pressures Everywhere Work places on IT, though the signs are all around us. More than half of IT professionals say the shift to hybrid and remote working has caused significant negative impacts on their work lives: lost workplace connections, mental health challenges and higher workloads. Despite this, few (16%) want to work in the office full time again.