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White Papers

Higher education white papers and case studies from our sponsors. Click a title to read more or download.

2023 Higher Education Trends Report

For the last three years, through a global pandemic, we have witnessed a great reassessment going on in the United States and around the world. It’s happening on many different levels—from how we live and work to what we value in life—all with significant consequences going forward for higher education. In many ways, this time is not unlike other moments of political, cultural, and economic upheaval throughout our history and the long-lasting impact each had on colleges and universities.

How K-12 and Higher Education Can Navigate Evolving Landscapes and the Need for Information

IT Leaders in Education face a wide range of challenges as they navigate a complex and rapidly evolving landscape, balancing the need for innovation, security, and cost-effective solutions.

Harness The Power Of Data

Higher education institutions are facing major headwinds. Greater student expectations, declining enrollment, and an uncertain economy are pressuring colleges and universities to think critically about their operations and where to optimize for future growth and relevance. Additionally, administrators are constantly tasked with doing more with less and must make difficult decisions on where to invest when it comes to programs and university-wide initiatives.

Innovation in Education: Higher Education All-In on Cloud-First

When digital transformation is the destination, all roads lead through the cloud. Here’s how colleges and universities can plan their own cloud journey, leverage cloud computing capabilities to meet growing student and administrative demands, and achieve true innovation, agility, collaboration and personalization.

Journey Towards a Digital Transformation: Five Must Haves for Higher Education

In these days of economic uncertainty, workforce challenges, and increasing customer demands, how you begin your transformation is as important as ever in determining future success.

Red Hat OpenShift Data Science

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning have rapidly become critical for businesses and organizations. Deploying these technologies, however, can be very complicated.