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Intel Xeon 5000 Series Processors: Podcast


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Building Florida's First AI Degree Program: Asset

Miami Dade College recently announced the launch of a new bachelor's degree in applied artificial intelligence — the first such degree in the state of Florida and one of the first in the country. At the heart of MDC's approach is the conviction that education in artificial intelligence is for everyone — people at all levels need understand how to apply AI in their lives and careers.

Tapping into AI Across Every Part of the University: Asset

Touro University has embarked on a system-wide initiative to incorporate artificial intelligence into all of its programs — not only in teaching and learning, but also across research, operations, and policy. We spoke with Dr. Shlomo Argamon, Touro's recently appointed associate provost for AI, about his role, the importance of AI in higher education, how to prepare students for the new world of AI in the workforce, and more.

Inside Arizona State University's OpenAI Partnership: Asset

In January, Arizona State University announced a major partnership with OpenAI to explore the potential of ChatGPT in education. We caught up with ASU CIO Lev Gonick to find out more about that collaboration, how the university is approaching the use of generative AI across campus, and what the key takeaways have been so far.

A Monograph on Cloud Computing

By Teresa Bozelli, Bozelli Enterprises

Education and Government Institutions face intense pressure for cost control and improvement of services

The Situation
Today is a time of crisis, chaos, and challenge. Our governments and educational institutions have not been spared in these tough economic times and are facing severe budget shortfalls today and likely for several years to come. The tax base has eroded and rainy day funds are depleted, thus a significant crisis for [read more...]


What is cloud computing?

Very simply stated, cloud computing is the delivery of a service or a capability over the network. More specifically, cloud computing refers to IT resources and services that are abstracted from the underlying infrastructure and are provided "on demand" and "at scale" in a multitenant environment.

What are the benefits of cloud computing?

Cloud computing fundamentally changes the way IT services are delivered. Organizations can employ cloud computing to meet their IT requirements using a flexible, on demand, and rapidly scalable model that requires neither ownership on their part, nor provision of dedicated resources.

Are there security issues connected with cloud computing?

Traditional issues around data and resource access control, encryption, and incident detection are factors in cloud computing. The key take-away in cloud data center computing is that security should not be an afterthought or a building block; it should be pervasively implemented across all layers of architecture

Cloud Computing Videos:

In this short video you’ll hear how Intel new processors and Cisco breakthrough innovations allow the company to deliver a complete portfolio ready to address virtually all the applications deployment needs.

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On-Demand Webinar:

Cloud Computing: The Future of IT

A growing number of today’s colleges and universities are moving to a from legacy data center infrastructure to a cloud computing model. This session will detail the benefits and value of cloud computing and provide a blueprint for making it a reality on your campus.


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