Cover Image: Campus Technology February 2012

Campus Technology Digital Edition - February 2012


Product Development >> Means of Production

Universities are wrestling with the possibilities and pitfalls of making homegrown IT products available beyond their campuses. CT examines the benefits of the two major options: open source or a commercialized venture. by David Raths

A/V Technology >> 3D, or Not to Be?

3D technology is here and showing good results in some classrooms. The challenge lies in finding sufficient content to make the investment worthwhile. by Keith Norbury

Cover Story:

Budgets >> Succeeding in the New Normal

If CIOs are going to succeed in this era of belt-tightening, they need to change campus expectations about what IT can realistically achieve and, just as important, alter the conversation about IT as a cost center.. by Dian Schaffhauser

In This Issue
  • Login / Groundhog Day
  • CT Online
  • In Box
  • Campus & Industry
  • Index
  • C-Level View / Grading OERs for Class
  • Networking & Wireless / To Catch a Thief. by Jennifer Grayson
  • Cloud Computing / Sitting on Cloud Mine. by Michelle Fredette
  • Mobile Learning / Smartphones: Learning Tool or Brain Candy? by P. Sendall, W. Ceccucci, and M. Frydenberg

FEBRUARY 2012 | Volume 25, No. 6 | 44 Pages