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White Papers

Higher education white papers and case studies from our sponsors. Click a title to read more or download.

What Will Secure Access Service Edge Do For Your Campus?

Here are five recommendations every IT leader in higher education should consider (and a few pitfalls to avoid) when planning and deploying a SASE solution. Download to learn more!

AI is Here: How to Ensure Security in an AI Fueled-Future

As the dust starts to settle on AI’s entry to higher education, teams begin strategic planning around its use as well as protecting against unknown threats. Download to learn more!

Bracing for Impact

As malware attacks grow more targeted — and effective — higher education’s rapidly growing attack surface requires multifaceted protection. Download to learn more!

Higher Education Continues to Face a Critical Cybersecurity Skills Gap

Unified SASE solutions can help teams fill their greatest IT and security management needs while cutting down on hands-on management time, freeing up teams to focus on strategic priorities and other work that must be done.

SASE for Higher Education

Download this full report to delve into Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) for Higher Education from trends to essentials of cyber resilience in the age of AI.

Questions to Ask While Building a Strategy for Cyber Resilience

As colleges and universities look to improve their cyber resilience, overworked teams often don’t know where to start. Download today!

Top Applications for SASE in Higher Education

Where shadow IT poses high risks to high-value data and infrastructure, SASE offers sound solutions. Download to learn more!

Fortify Your School's IT

Safeguard student assets, staff details and your IT ecosystem within a unified hub. Download today to learn more about Digital Transformation in Education!