IT Trends :: Thursday, August 24, 2006

IT News

3,000 First-Years, All Searching for a Connection

Across the country, thousands of students are moving into dormitories. The first priority on move-in day: hooking up the computer. This article says that parents won’t even say goodbye “until their kid is connected.” At the University of Virginia (where 99.4% of last year’s freshman brought computers with them), more than 100 IT staffers in matching shirts roamed the chaotic dorms, helping students set up their computers…

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UC Students Get Crash Course in Internet Privacy

A survey of University of California, Berkeley undergrads found that 5% of students used daily and a mere 6% never used it. Instead of creating an official social networking policy, UC Berkeley is trying to inform students about the risks of posting private information online. For instance, this year’s freshman won’t be able to use their dorm room computers until they attend a mandatory social networking workshop…

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Can Blogging Boost Your Career?

About 12 million Americans are recent bloggers, according to a survey released recently by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. IT blogs are a great way to share tech innovations and ideas, but some employers are becoming concerned that bloggers may be sharing too much information. Some bloggers are playing it safe by simply writing about what they do, not who they do it for...

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Colleges Warn of Sites Devoted to Networking

More than 40% of Penn State Berks student belong to The school’s IT trainer, Kenneth E. Green, recently spoke with incoming students’ parents about the risks of posting personal information online. He said college students have always done “silly things” but now they have “cell phone cameras taking pictures and making a permanent record of it…Some of these things can come back to haunt them. We're not going to stop the phenomenon, but we can teach them to use it more wisely."…

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