IT Trends for Thursday, November 13, 2003.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

In This Issue


Terry Calhoun, IT Trends Commentator
Society for College and University Planning (SCUP)
University of Michigan

The “Nittany Napster” Model

Are we at a “tipping point,” or just a smooth place in the road?

At first glance, the Penn State/Napster deal, which gives premium Napster music service to all Penn State students, is a win-win for all parties. Penn State gets relief from the RIAA, a nice service for its students, possibly some reduction in staffing costs relating to illegal Peer-to-Peer issues, and some great PR, including praise from the House and Senate. Napster gets great PR and something that was missing in its newly-hatched head-to-head fight with iPod: a built-in constituency that naturally tends to use Napster services. Plus, the students get what they’re going to make sure they get anyway lots of music.

But this is not a precursor of the much-anticipated transformation of the music industry, nor will the deal be without its own issues and problems.

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Terry Calhoun ([email protected]) is director of communications and publications for the Society for College and University Planning (


Penn State and Napster Reach a Deal

Beginning with the 2004-2005 academic year, students at PSU will receive a subscription to Napster's premium service. Starting next year, Penn State will provide students with Napster's premium service. (Wired News)...
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MIT's Library Access to Music Project (LAMP) is Suspended

Hailed as a groundbreaking innovation, MIT's program to let its students share music has run afoul of various legal issues and is temporarily suspended. (LAMP/MIT)...
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ECAR Publishes New Study on Security in Higher Education

A 7-page executive summary is free to all. In addition to loads of technical data is organizational information. The position "chief of IT security," a new position since 1994, is now found at 22 percent of responding institutions. (EDUCAUSE/ECAR)...
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New, High-Tech Classroom at Cal State, Fresno

The high-tech classroom project, named New Education-Extraordinary Technology, or NEXT provides connected, information technology design and furniture rather than lots of built-in technology. (
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"Wiretapping" the Wireless Network at the U. of Maryland

Using "sniffers," students in the residence halls are learning that what travels between their PC and the network may not be secure. (The Diamondback Online)...
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Students in Residence Halls at Ithaca College Criticize Network

A protest Web site, petitions, banners hanging from windows ironically, the problems are mostly caused by students' poor computing practices. (The Ithacan Online)...
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Mississippi State Gets New "Maverick" Supercomputer

Intended for research by creating cirtual environments and circumstances, the 192-processor cluster device is 4 times faster than the previous 1,000-processor cluster. (The Clarion Ledger)...
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Minnesota State Mankato Computer Calibration Error to Cost $700K

In the latest of a series of such problems at several schools, an error in calibration between the school's financial aid computer and the Department of Education was caught after creating a $700K discrepancy. (
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DAMS: Harnessing the Power of Rich Media at U. of Michigan

This new project is in pursuit of a vision: In the classroom of the near future audio, video, animation, and other rich media are as easily found, and are conveniently usable as text materials. (The University Record Online)...
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The Sloan Consortium for Quality Online Education

A consortium of institutions and organizations committed to quality online education. Sloan publishes the Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks; maintains a catalog of degree and certificate programs; hosts conferences and workshops to help implement and improve online programs; and keeps an effective practices database.
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Non-Profit Nicenet Internet Classroom Assistant

Nicenet is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to providing free services to the Internet community. Nicenet's primary offering, the Internet Classroom Assistant (ICA), is designed to address the pedagogical needs and limited resources of teachers and their students.
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Microsoft Picks Five Universities to Enhance Visual Studio .NET

Microsoft announced the winners of a worldwide request for proposal (RFP) of projects designed to enhance the Assignment Manager component of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Academic. Chosen from a field of 20 proposals from 17 universities around the world, the selected universities submitted projects under the Visual Studio .NET Academic Tools Source Licensing Program, part of Microsoft's Shared Source Initiative.

The Visual Studio .NET Academic Tools Source Licensing Program provides access to source code for Assignment Manager Server, Assignment Manager Faculty Client and Assignment Manager Student Client. As part of the Shared Source Initiative, the program enables developers to use, modify and redistribute the licensed source code of the Assignment Manager for both commercial and noncommercial purposes. Licensees also are free to use the source code to develop, debug and support their own software tools for integration with Visual Studio .NET.

The universities selected for this RFP include the Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil), Monash University (Australia), Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (Brazil), University of Hull (United Kingdom) and Yale University (United States).

WebCT, Capella University, to Enhance eLearning

WebCT and Capella University joined forces to deliver the next generation of distance learning, according to WebCT. The two organizations will begin piloting an enhanced eLearning environment for Capella learners built on the WebCT Vista academic enterprise system. WebCT Vista gives institutions like Capella the ability to support multiple educational entities, such as separate schools, in a central installation; create, store, tag, reuse, import, export, manage and share content beyond course boundaries.

Cal Irvine Contract with AcquireX to Improve Purchasing

The University of California, Irvine, picked AcquireX, it’s application service provider, for a pilot program on electronic procurement. The AcquireX system, known as iBuy, will help UCI to further streamline purchasing processes across the 24,000 student campus. David Tomcheck, UCI's Associate Vice Chancellor, and executive sponsor for this program, said, “W have been searching for a hosted solution that will expand our strategic sourcing initiatives while offering accountability and comprehensive reporting."

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Syllabus fall2003
December 8-10,
Cambridge, Mass.

Events Calendar

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Simplify Web Site Content Publishing
More than 100 colleges and universities use Ektron content management solutions to help ease the burden of updating information on their Web sites. Read Rivier College’s success story or download a free 30-day trial: See Ektron at Syllabus Fall 2003 in December!

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A wireless connection between a laptop and certain classroom projectors is now possible, but you may have to make some choices about the cost and configuration. Would you choose:

Wireless fully integrated into projector (a $500 premium)
Wireless dongle capability as an add-on ($500)
Stay with a cable connection for now (not wireless)

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Syllabus fall2003 Early Bird Deadline Extended to 11/14!
There's still time to save up to $100 off your registration for Syllabus fall2003, December 8-10 in Cambridge, Mass. Don't miss this opportunity to network with peers, advance your knowledge of technology solutions on campus, hear outstanding keynote speakers William J. Mitchell of MIT, Graham Spanier, Penn State, and Howard Strauss, Princeton University, and explore tracks of strategic importance applicable to your needs. For complete details and to register,
Click here for details.


Third Generation of SCT’s Content Management Suite

SCT announced the next-generation SCT Luminis Content Management Suite 3.0 for enterprise-class Web content management in higher education. General availability is currently scheduled for spring 2004. The Suite gives institutions the ability to create, manage, deliver, and maintain Web content and other digital assets. policies, and design. Highlights planned for the new SCT Luminis Content Management Suite 3.0 include an improved user interface, an enhanced templating system, in-context editing, site management, page componetization, and Macintosh support.

Blackboard Integrates Tutoring Package Into Learning System

Blackboard will integrate the Personal Trainer - an online homework tool – into the Web Tutor Advantage on the Blackboard Learning System. South-Western, a provider of business and economics curriculum materials, plans to roll out Personal Trainer 3.0 for 13 introductory accounting textbooks available in the first quarter of 2004. As part of this program, the new edition of Warren, Reeve and Fess' Accounting, 21e will be one of the textbooks to include the new integration feature for Personal Trainer 3.0.

Personal Trainer 3.0 is an online homework tool hosted by South-Western that allows students to complete end-of-chapter exercises and problems. Students' work is automatically graded upon submission, giving students instant feedback and saving time for instructors by automatically grading the assignments.

eCollege Releases Enhanced Gradebook

eCollege, a provider of outsource eLearning solutions released the Enhanced Gradebook, its first application built entirely upon Microsoft .NET technology. By enabling all electronic student submissions to be available in one central location, the eCollege Gradebook is integrated with all aspects of an online course for convenient grading and instructor feedback. The latest advancements in the Enhanced Gradebook include: functionality that enables faculty to use calculations based on points possible or to show straight letter grades: Grade-to-Date report displaying current cumulative averages for the entire class on one screen for easy progress tracking; and enhanced navigation that allows faculty to sort and accommodate large amounts of information by various criteria and number of records per page.

TechSmith Unveils Tools for Learning-On-Demand Content

TechSmith Corp., which makes screen capture and recording solutions, introduced Camtasia Studio 2, multimedia screen recording and production software for application demonstrations, software simulations and video tutorials. It also released SnagIt 7, the newest version of its screen capture utility. Camtasia Studio 2 is an integrated screen recording solution that produces highly compressed, high-fidelity Macromedia Flash and streaming media output that can be burned onto compact discs, or broadcast via the Internet. This guarantees that educators, librarians, and technology coordinators can use the appropriate delivery format for their content regardless of an end user's installed media player or browser.

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Selecting a CMS
This week's interview features Kathy Cristoph.

Kathy Christoph explains how the University of Wisconsin selected a new course management system, through an in-depth study of campus requirements and user input, and a rigorous evaluation of potential CMS vendors.

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Can Tablet PCs be used effectively in collaborative settings?

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