CT Solutions
Latest Releases, Services, and New Product Versions
Power-Saving External Hard Drive
Portable storage and security vendor Kanguru Solutions has released the Kanguru
Eco Drive, an energy-efficient USB 2.0 external hard drive available in capacities of up
to 1.5TB. With three built-in power-saving modes, the device automatically gauges hard
drive usage to reduce power consumption by up to 75 percent and extend the life of
the hard drive itself. The Kanguru Eco Drive is RoHS-complaint and compatible with
Windows (98 and above, including Vista) and Mac OS X and above. Prices start at
$69.95 for 80GB.
Enhanced Learning Management
Enterprise eLearning software and services provider Angel Learning has unveiled
Angel Learning Management Suite 7.4. The update incorporates new mashup capabilities,
making it easier to incorporate rich media content and RSS feeds into courses.
Angel LMS 7.4 provides grading rubrics to ensure all manually graded submissions are
evaluated against the same criteria, plus a new gradebook interface supports any grading
period and provides improved workflow and reporting. Other enhancements include
more robust reports, course surveys, lesson plan templates, more flexible system administration tools, and more powerful
content management features. Contact vendor for pricing.
Help Desk on the Go
NetSupport Software has announced NetSupport DNA Helpdesk 2.8, a web-based
help desk ticketing solution providing detailed recording and tracking of user help
requests. Available as a component of NetSupport DNA IT asset management software
or as a standalone product, the new version includes mobile device support; mobile
troubleshooters now can receive and manage tickets on the move, helping improve customer
service and minimize system downtime. Other features of the release include a
new user interface and Active Directory synchronization. Pricing is based per operator
and starts at $1,750 for three operators.