Unizin Data Platform Now Available to Any Institution Via Google Cloud

Institutions no longer need to be members of Unizin to access the Unizin Data Platform (UDP), an integration and warehousing solution for data generated by learning tools. The nonprofit consortium has made the UDP available to any college or university through the Google Cloud Marketplace.

With the UDP, institutions can share and analyze data from learning management systems, student information systems, video management tool, proctoring tools, assessment platforms and more, according to a news announcement. The platform "collects, cleans, models, curates and stores all teaching and learning data to create a holistic view of each student," allowing institutions to identify challenges and apply data-driven insights to the student experience. For instance, educators can track details such as class participation, learning tool use and course design to gauge a course's effectiveness and catch students who may be falling behind.

"It's not easy for higher-learning institutions to aggregate, analyze, and use learning data at scale — nor can many institutions, except for the very largest, operationalize learning data in advising, business intelligence and machine-learning initiatives," explained Unizin CEO Cathy O'Bryan, in a statement. "The UDP frees up colleges and universities from the technical challenges of integrating, normalizing and managing data, so they can focus on using data for insights to enable student success during and post-college years."

"Data has value when it's easy to gather, manage and understand," added Steven Butschi, head of education for Google Cloud. "By partnering with Unizin, Google Cloud helps institutions make a large leap in their digital transformation, helping enable smarter decision-making at scale."

For more information, visit the Google site.

About the Author

Rhea Kelly is editor in chief for Campus Technology, THE Journal, and Spaces4Learning. She can be reached at [email protected].


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