Assistive Technology in Higher Education


ED Nominee DeVos Faces Evenly Split Senate as Two GOP Lawmakers Defect

Betsy DeVos, President Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of the Department of Education (ED), could be the most controversial pick for that post in American history. After her confirmation hearing and narrow approval Tuesday before the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP), two Republican senators — Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska — said they would vote against DeVos in the full Senate.

ED Secretary Nominee Narrowly Wins Committee Vote

The U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions narrowly approved the nomination of Betsy DeVos Tuesday for secretary of the United States Department of Education (ED). The committee voted 12-11 to approve President Donald Trump’s pick to head the ED, splitting along party lines.

International Students Studying STEM in U.S. Jumps 10 Percent

The number of international students studying STEM subjects in the United States grew 10.1 percent from November 2015 to November 2016, according to a recent study published by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a federal law enforcement agency.

Lack of Awareness, Budget Are Key Barriers to Captioning Videos

More than half of respondents (55.3 percent) in a recent survey cited lack of general awareness as the top reason they are not captioning all videos at their institution. And at 48.9 percent of respondents' institutions, a captioning budget simply doesn't exist.

University Videos on YouTube Get Custom Search

A "boutique" search company has developed a free online resource that lets users search for university and college videos that have been posted to YouTube and then clip and share segments of those videos with students and colleagues.

Report: Video Captions Benefit Virtually All Students

Report: Video Captions Benefit Virtually All Students

The majority of students use video captions and video transcripts to help themselves improve focus, retain information, engage with material and improve comprehension, according to a new study from Oregon State University. However, many institutions do not offer captions or video transcripts despite a legal obligation to do so.

U Penn Launches College Promise Online Database

The University of Pennsylvania has launched an online database to find information on the 150 College Promise programs across 37 states.

Blackboard Acquires Accessibility Platform

Blackboard today announced the acquisition of Fronteer, a UK-based educational products and services company whose flagship Ally software helps institutions and instructors make course content more accessible.

Do-It-Yourself Accessibility

The University of Central Florida's Universal Design Online Content Inspection Tool evaluates online course content for accessibility issues, allowing instructors to find and address potential problems.

Nonprofit Delivers 10 Million Accessible E-Books

In addition to delivering millions of accessible e-books, Benetech released a set of resources aimed at helping publishers and other content creators understand how to make content accessible from the start.