C-Level View :: March 22, 2006

Executive View

Four Steps to Bridging the Business Intelligence Gap in Higher Education

By John W. Webster
Dakota State University

Successful organizations excel in their missions and maintain a competitive edge based in large part on their ability to make faster, better, and smarter decisions than their competitors. Today that means employing data-driven decision making, for which executives demand that their IT groups convert mountains of data from their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and disparate internal and external data sources into rich, meaningful information. Business Intelligence (BI) technology is the key driver in this critical process...

Worth Noting

Pen-Centric Computing Alliance

At a joint press conference Monday, Brown University (RI) and Microsoft Research officially announced their alliance aimed at revolutionizing pen-centric computing for the academic environment. The Microsoft Center for Pen-Centric Computing at Brown will research new ways instructors and students can interact via pen-centric computing technology...

Call for Authors

The New Media Consortium and the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education have issued a call for abstracts for potential book chapters...

Clustered Search Free to .edu Sites

Viv’simo has created “Clusty’s Site Search Service,” a free service for education institutions and nonprofits that want to offer a dynamic clustering search box on their own Web sites...

From the Personnel Office

Musical Chairs at IU

If you’re still confused about last month’s changes in IT leadership at Indiana University, we’re here to help. After an early signal this year of the president’s impending departure, Bloomington was officially charged to be IU’s “flagship” campus (complete with a new Provost position to lead it), and the 8-campus university got its biggest re-org in 35 years...

New CIO for Valparaiso

Dennis A. Trinkle will become Executive Director of Electronic Information Systems and CIO at Valparaiso University (IN)...
